

strip -- remove unnecessary information from executable files


strip is as specified in the SUS but with differences as listed below.


-F bdfname, --target=bfdname

treats the original objfile as a file with the object code format bfdname, and rewrites it in the same format.

-I bfdname, --input-target=bfdname

treats the original objfile as a file with the object code format bfdname.

-O bdfname, --output-target=bfdname

replaces objfile with a file in the output format bfdname.

-R sectionname, --remove-section=sectionname

removes the named section from the file. This option may be given more than once. Note that using this option inappropriately may make the object file unusable.

-s, --strip-all

removes all symbols.

-S, -g, --strip-debug

removes debugging symbols only.


strips all symbols that are not needed for relocation processing.

-N symbolname, --strip-symbol=symbolname

removes symbol symbolname from the source file. This option may be given more than once, and may be combined with other strip options.

-o file

puts the stripped output in file, rather than replacing the existing file. When this argument is used, only one objfile argument may be specified.

-p, --preserve-dates

preserves the access and modification dates of the file.

-x, --discard-all

removes non-global symbols.

-X, --discard-locals

removes compiler-generated local symbols. (These usually start with `L' or `.'.)

-K symbolname, --keep-symbol=symbolname

copies only symbol symbolname from the source file. This option may be given more than once.

-N symbolname, --strip-symbol=symbolname

does not copy symbol symbolname from the source file. This option may be given more than once, and may be combined with strip options other than -K.

-v, --verbose

lists all object files modified. In the case of archives, lists all members of the archive.


shows the version number for strip and exits.