Linux Standard Base Graphics Module Specification 2.0

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Portions of the text are copyrighted by the following parties:

  • The Regents of the University of California

  • Free Software Foundation

  • Ian F. Darwin

  • Paul Vixie

  • BSDI (now Wind River)

  • Andrew G Morgan

  • Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology

These excerpts are being used in accordance with their respective licenses.

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OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Table of Contents
Specification Introduction
Graphics Specification


This is version 2.0 of the LSB-Graphics Module Specification. This version is a preliminary version for review only. Conclusion of work on this version will result in version 1.0 of the LSB-Graphics Moudle Specification.

Implmentations may not claim conformance to this version.


The LSB-Graphics Module defines The graphics components that are required to be present on a Linux system.

This document should be used in conjunction with the documents it references. Information referenced in this way is as much a part of this document as is the information explicitly included here.

I. Introductory Elements

Chapter 1. Scope

The LSB Graphics defines the graphical interface found on an LSB conforming system.

Chapter 2. Normative References

The specifications listed below are referenced in whole or in part by the LSB-Graphics Module Standard. Such references may be normative or informative; a reference to specification shall only be considered normative if it is explicitly cited as such. The LSB-Graphics Module may make normative references to a portion of these specifications (that is, to define a specific function or group of functions); in such cases, only the explicitly referenced portion of the specification is to be considered normative.

Table 2-1. Normative References

Linux Standard Base
OpenGLŪ Application Binary Interface for Linux
Double Buffer Extension Library
X Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) Extension, Library Specification
X Record Extension Library
Security Extension Specification, Version 7.1
X Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension Library Version 1.0
MIT-SHM--The MIT Shared Memory Extension
X Synchronization Extension Library
X11R6.4 X Inter-Client Exchange (ICE) Protocol
X11R6.4 Xlib - C library
X11R6.4 X Session Management Library
X11R6.4 X Toolkit Intrinsics

Chapter 3. Requirements

Relevant Libraries

The libraries listed in Table 3-1 shall be available on a Linux Standard Base system, with the specified runtime names. This list may be supplemented or amended by the architecture-specific specification.

Table 3-1. Standard Library Names

LibraryRuntime Name

These libraries will be in an implementation-defined directory which the dynamic linker shall search by default.

Chapter 4. Definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following definitions, as specified in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2001, 4th Edition, apply:


be able to; there is a possibility of; it is possible to


be unable to; there is no possibilty of; it is not possible to


is permitted; is allowed; is permissible

need not

it is not required that; required


is to; is required to; it is required that; has to; permitted; it is necessary

shall not

is not allowed [permitted] [acceptable] [permissible]; is required to be not; is required not; is not to be


it is recommended that; ought to

should not

it is not recommended that; ought not to

Chapter 5. Terminology

For the purposes of this document, the following terms apply:


Describes a value or behavior that is not defined by this document but is selected by an implementor. The value or behavior may vary among implementations that conform to this document. An application should not rely on the existence of the value or behavior. An application that relies on such a value or behavior cannot be assured to be portable across conforming implementations. The implementor shall document such a value or behavior so that it can be used correctly by an application.

Shell Script

A file that is read by an interpreter (e.g., awk). The first line of the shell script includes a reference to its interpreter binary.


Describes the nature of a value or behavior not defined by this document which results from use of an invalid program construct or invalid data input. The value or behavior may vary among implementations that conform to this document. An application should not rely on the existence or validity of the value or behavior. An application that relies on any particular value or behavior cannot be assured to be portable across conforming implementations.


Describes the nature of a value or behavior not specified by this document which results from use of a valid program construct or valid data input. The value or behavior may vary among implementations that conform to this document. An application should not rely on the existence or validity of the value or behavior. An application that relies on any particular value or behavior cannot be assured to be portable across conforming implementations.

I. Graphic Libraries

Table of Contents
1. Libraries

Chapter 1. Libraries

The X Libraries should be built thread-safe.

Interfaces for libX11

Table 1-1 defines the library name and shared object name for the libX11 library

Table 1-1. libX11 Definition


The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:

Linux Standard Base
X11R6.4 Xlib - C library

X Windows System Interface

Interfaces for X Windows System Interface

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Windows System Interface specified in Table 1-2, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-2. libX11 - X Windows System Interface Function Interfaces

XActivateScreenSaver [1]XFreePixmap [1]XSetCloseDownMode [1]XkbAllocGeomColors [1]
XAddConnectionWatch [1]XFreeStringList [1]XSetCommand [1]XkbAllocGeomDoodads [1]
XAddExtension [1]XGContextFromGC [1]XSetDashes [1]XkbAllocGeomKeyAliases [1]
XAddHost [1]XGeometry [1]XSetErrorHandler [1]XkbAllocGeomKeys [1]
XAddHosts [1]XGetAtomName [1]XSetFillRule [1]XkbAllocGeomOutlines [1]
XAddPixel [1]XGetAtomNames [1]XSetFillStyle [1]XkbAllocGeomOverlayKeys [1]
XAddToExtensionList [1]XGetClassHint [1]XSetFont [1]XkbAllocGeomOverlayRows [1]
XAddToSaveSet [1]XGetCommand [1]XSetFontPath [1]XkbAllocGeomOverlays [1]
XAllPlanes [1]XGetDefault [1]XSetForeground [1]XkbAllocGeomPoints [1]
XAllocClassHint [1]XGetErrorDatabaseText [1]XSetFunction [1]XkbAllocGeomProps [1]
XAllocColor [1]XGetErrorText [1]XSetGraphicsExposures [1]XkbAllocGeomRows [1]
XAllocColorCells [1]XGetFontPath [1]XSetICFocus [1]XkbAllocGeomSectionDoodads [1]
XAllocColorPlanes [1]XGetFontProperty [1]XSetICValues [1]XkbAllocGeomSections [1]
XAllocIconSize [1]XGetGCValues [1]XSetIMValues [1]XkbAllocGeomShapes [1]
XAllocNamedColor [1]XGetGeometry [1]XSetIOErrorHandler [1]XkbAllocGeometry [1]
XAllocSizeHints [1]XGetICValues [1]XSetIconName [1]XkbAllocIndicatorMaps [1]
XAllocStandardColormap [1]XGetIMValues [1]XSetIconSizes [1]XkbAllocKeyboard [1]
XAllocWMHints [1]XGetIconName [1]XSetInputFocus [1]XkbAllocNames [1]
XAllowEvents [1]XGetIconSizes [1]XSetLineAttributes [1]XkbAllocServerMap [1]
XAutoRepeatOff [1]XGetImage [1]XSetLocaleModifiers [1]XkbApplyCompatMapToKey [1]
XAutoRepeatOn [1]XGetInputFocus [1]XSetModifierMapping [1]XkbBell [1]
XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet [1]XGetKeyboardControl [1]XSetNormalHints [1]XkbBellEvent [1]
XBell [1]XGetKeyboardMapping [1]XSetOCValues [1]XkbChangeEnabledControls [1]
XBitmapBitOrder [1]XGetModifierMapping [1]XSetOMValues [1]XkbChangeMap [1]
XBitmapPad [1]XGetMotionEvents [1]XSetPlaneMask [1]XkbChangeNames [1]
XBitmapUnit [1]XGetNormalHints [1]XSetPointerMapping [1]XkbChangeTypesOfKey [1]
XBlackPixel [1]XGetOCValues [1]XSetRGBColormaps [1]XkbComputeEffectiveMap [1]
XBlackPixelOfScreen [1]XGetOMValues [1]XSetRegion [1]XkbComputeRowBounds [1]
XCellsOfScreen [1]XGetPixel [1]XSetScreenSaver [1]XkbComputeSectionBounds [1]
XChangeActivePointerGrab [1]XGetPointerControl [1]XSetSelectionOwner [1]XkbComputeShapeBounds [1]
XChangeGC [1]XGetPointerMapping [1]XSetSizeHints [1]XkbComputeShapeTop [1]
XChangeKeyboardControl [1]XGetRGBColormaps [1]XSetStandardColormap [1]XkbCopyKeyType [1]
XChangeKeyboardMapping [1]XGetScreenSaver [1]XSetStandardProperties [1]XkbCopyKeyTypes [1]
XChangePointerControl [1]XGetSelectionOwner [1]XSetState [1]XkbFindOverlayForKey [1]
XChangeProperty [1]XGetSizeHints [1]XSetStipple [1]XkbForceBell [1]
XChangeSaveSet [1]XGetStandardColormap [1]XSetSubwindowMode [1]XkbFreeClientMap [1]
XChangeWindowAttributes [1]XGetSubImage [1]XSetTSOrigin [1]XkbFreeCompatMap [1]
XCheckIfEvent [1]XGetTextProperty [1]XSetTextProperty [1]XkbFreeComponentList [1]
XCheckMaskEvent [1]XGetTransientForHint [1]XSetTile [1]XkbFreeControls [1]
XCheckTypedEvent [1]XGetVisualInfo [1]XSetTransientForHint [1]XkbFreeGeomColors [1]
XCheckTypedWindowEvent [1]XGetWMClientMachine [1]XSetWMClientMachine [1]XkbFreeGeomDoodads [1]
XCheckWindowEvent [1]XGetWMColormapWindows [1]XSetWMColormapWindows [1]XkbFreeGeomKeyAliases [1]
XCirculateSubwindows [1]XGetWMHints [1]XSetWMHints [1]XkbFreeGeomKeys [1]
XCirculateSubwindowsDown [1]XGetWMIconName [1]XSetWMIconName [1]XkbFreeGeomOutlines [1]
XCirculateSubwindowsUp [1]XGetWMName [1]XSetWMName [1]XkbFreeGeomOverlayKeys [1]
XClearArea [1]XGetWMNormalHints [1]XSetWMNormalHints [1]XkbFreeGeomOverlayRows [1]
XClearWindow [1]XGetWMProtocols [1]XSetWMProperties [1]XkbFreeGeomOverlays [1]
XClipBox [1]XGetWMSizeHints [1]XSetWMProtocols [1]XkbFreeGeomPoints [1]
XCloseDisplay [1]XGetWindowAttributes [1]XSetWMSizeHints [1]XkbFreeGeomProperties [1]
XCloseIM [1]XGetWindowProperty [1]XSetWindowBackground [1]XkbFreeGeomRows [1]
XCloseOM [1]XGetZoomHints [1]XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap [1]XkbFreeGeomSections [1]
XConfigureWindow [1]XGrabButton [1]XSetWindowBorder [1]XkbFreeGeomShapes [1]
XConnectionNumber [1]XGrabKey [1]XSetWindowBorderPixmap [1]XkbFreeGeometry [1]
XContextDependentDrawing [1]XGrabKeyboard [1]XSetWindowBorderWidth [1]XkbFreeIndicatorMaps [1]
XContextualDrawing [1]XGrabPointer [1]XSetWindowColormap [1]XkbFreeKeyboard [1]
XConvertCase [1]XGrabServer [1]XSetZoomHints [1]XkbFreeNames [1]
XConvertSelection [1]XHeightMMOfScreen [1]XShrinkRegion [1]XkbFreeServerMap [1]
XCopyArea [1]XHeightOfScreen [1]XStoreBuffer [1]XkbGetAutoRepeatRate [1]
XCopyColormapAndFree [1]XIMOfIC [1]XStoreBytes [1]XkbGetCompatMap [1]
XCopyGC [1]XIconifyWindow [1]XStoreColor [1]XkbGetControls [1]
XCopyPlane [1]XIfEvent [1]XStoreColors [1]XkbGetGeometry [1]
XCreateBitmapFromData [1]XImageByteOrder [1]XStoreName [1]XkbGetIndicatorMap [1]
XCreateColormap [1]XInitExtension [1]XStoreNamedColor [1]XkbGetIndicatorState [1]
XCreateFontCursor [1]XInitImage [1]XStringListToTextProperty [1]XkbGetKeyActions [1]
XCreateFontSet [1]XInitThreads [1]XStringToKeysym [1]XkbGetKeyBehaviors [1]
XCreateGC [1]XInsertModifiermapEntry [1]XSubImage [1]XkbGetKeyExplicitComponents [1]
XCreateGlyphCursor [1]XInstallColormap [1]XSubtractRegion [1]XkbGetKeyModifierMap [1]
XCreateIC [1]XInternAtom [1]XSupportsLocale [1]XkbGetKeySyms [1]
XCreateImage [1]XInternAtoms [1]XSync [1]XkbGetKeyTypes [1]
XCreateOC [1]XInternalConnectionNumbers [1]XTextExtents [1]XkbGetKeyboard [1]
XCreatePixmap [1]XIntersectRegion [1]XTextExtents16 [1]XkbGetKeyboardByName [1]
XCreatePixmapCursor [1]XKeycodeToKeysym [1]XTextPropertyToStringList [1]XkbGetMap [1]
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData [1]XKeysymToKeycode [1]XTextWidth [1]XkbGetMapChanges [1]
XCreateRegion [1]XKeysymToString [1]XTextWidth16 [1]XkbGetNamedGeometry [1]
XCreateSimpleWindow [1]XKillClient [1]XTranslateCoordinates [1]XkbGetNamedIndicator [1]
XCreateWindow [1]XLastKnownRequestProcessed [1]XUndefineCursor [1]XkbGetNames [1]
XDefaultColormap [1]XListDepths [1]XUngrabButton [1]XkbGetState [1]
XDefaultColormapOfScreen [1]XListExtensions [1]XUngrabKey [1]XkbGetUpdatedMap [1]
XDefaultDepth [1]XListFonts [1]XUngrabKeyboard [1]XkbGetVirtualMods [1]
XDefaultDepthOfScreen [1]XListFontsWithInfo [1]XUngrabPointer [1]XkbGetXlibControls [1]
XDefaultGC [1]XListHosts [1]XUngrabServer [1]XkbIgnoreExtension [1]
XDefaultGCOfScreen [1]XListInstalledColormaps [1]XUninstallColormap [1]XkbInitCanonicalKeyTypes [1]
XDefaultRootWindow [1]XListPixmapFormats [1]XUnionRectWithRegion [1]XkbKeyTypesForCoreSymbols [1]
XDefaultScreen [1]XListProperties [1]XUnionRegion [1]XkbKeycodeToKeysym [1]
XDefaultScreenOfDisplay [1]XLoadFont [1]XUnloadFont [1]XkbKeysymToModifiers [1]
XDefaultString [1]XLoadQueryFont [1]XUnlockDisplay [1]XkbLatchGroup [1]
XDefaultVisual [1]XLocaleOfFontSet [1]XUnmapSubwindows [1]XkbLatchModifiers [1]
XDefaultVisualOfScreen [1]XLocaleOfIM [1]XUnmapWindow [1]XkbLibraryVersion [1]
XDefineCursor [1]XLocaleOfOM [1]XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback [1]XkbListComponents [1]
XDeleteContext [1]XLockDisplay [1]XUnsetICFocus [1]XkbLockGroup [1]
XDeleteModifiermapEntry [1]XLookupColor [1]XVaCreateNestedList [1]XkbLockModifiers [1]
XDeleteProperty [1]XLookupKeysym [1]XVendorRelease [1]XkbLookupKeyBinding [1]
XDestroyIC [1]XLookupString [1]XVisualIDFromVisual [1]XkbLookupKeySym [1]
XDestroyImage [1]XLowerWindow [1]XWMGeometry [1]XkbNoteControlsChanges [1]
XDestroyOC [1]XMapRaised [1]XWarpPointer [1]XkbNoteMapChanges [1]
XDestroyRegion [1]XMapSubwindows [1]XWhitePixel [1]XkbNoteNameChanges [1]
XDestroySubwindows [1]XMapWindow [1]XWhitePixelOfScreen [1]XkbOpenDisplay [1]
XDestroyWindow [1]XMaskEvent [1]XWidthMMOfScreen [1]XkbQueryExtension [1]
XDirectionalDependentDrawing [1]XMatchVisualInfo [1]XWidthOfScreen [1]XkbRefreshKeyboardMapping [1]
XDisableAccessControl [1]XMaxCmapsOfScreen [1]XWindowEvent [1]XkbResizeKeyActions [1]
XDisplayCells [1]XMaxRequestSize [1]XWithdrawWindow [1]XkbResizeKeySyms [1]
XDisplayHeight [1]XMinCmapsOfScreen [1]XWriteBitmapFile [1]XkbResizeKeyType [1]
XDisplayHeightMM [1]XMoveResizeWindow [1]XXorRegion [1]XkbSelectEventDetails [1]
XDisplayKeycodes [1]XMoveWindow [1]XauDisposeAuth [1]XkbSelectEvents [1]
XDisplayMotionBufferSize [1]XNewModifiermap [1]XauFileName [1]XkbSetAtomFuncs [1]
XDisplayName [1]XNextEvent [1]XauGetBestAuthByAddr [1]XkbSetAutoRepeatRate [1]
XDisplayOfIM [1]XNextRequest [1]XauReadAuth [1]XkbSetAutoResetControls [1]
XDisplayOfOM [1]XNoOp [1]XcmsAddColorSpace [1]XkbSetCompatMap [1]
XDisplayOfScreen [1]XOMOfOC [1]XcmsAddFunctionSet [1]XkbSetControls [1]
XDisplayPlanes [1]XOffsetRegion [1]XcmsAllocColor [1]XkbSetDebuggingFlags [1]
XDisplayString [1]XOpenDisplay [1]XcmsAllocNamedColor [1]XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat [1]
XDisplayWidth [1]XOpenIM [1]XcmsCCCOfColormap [1]XkbSetGeometry [1]
XDisplayWidthMM [1]XOpenOM [1]XcmsCIELabClipL [1]XkbSetIgnoreLockMods [1]
XDoesBackingStore [1]XParseColor [1]XcmsCIELabClipLab [1]XkbSetIndicatorMap [1]
XDoesSaveUnders [1]XParseGeometry [1]XcmsCIELabClipab [1]XkbSetMap [1]
XDrawArc [1]XPeekEvent [1]XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC [1]XkbSetNamedIndicator [1]
XDrawArcs [1]XPeekIfEvent [1]XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL [1]XkbSetNames [1]
XDrawImageString [1]XPending [1]XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC [1]XkbSetServerInternalMods [1]
XDrawImageString16 [1]XPlanesOfScreen [1]XcmsCIELabQueryMinL [1]XkbSetXlibControls [1]
XDrawLine [1]XPointInRegion [1]XcmsCIELabToCIEXYZ [1]XkbToControl [1]
XDrawLines [1]XPolygonRegion [1]XcmsCIELabWhiteShiftColors [1]XkbTranslateKeyCode [1]
XDrawPoint [1]XProcessInternalConnection [1]XcmsCIELuvClipL [1]XkbTranslateKeySym [1]
XDrawPoints [1]XProtocolRevision [1]XcmsCIELuvClipLuv [1]XkbUpdateMapFromCore [1]
XDrawRectangle [1]XProtocolVersion [1]XcmsCIELuvClipuv [1]XkbUseExtension [1]
XDrawRectangles [1]XPutBackEvent [1]XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC [1]XkbVirtualModsToReal [1]
XDrawSegments [1]XPutImage [1]XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL [1]XmbDrawImageString [1]
XDrawString [1]XPutPixel [1]XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC [1]XmbDrawString [1]
XDrawString16 [1]XQLength [1]XcmsCIELuvQueryMinL [1]XmbDrawText [1]
XDrawText [1]XQueryBestCursor [1]XcmsCIELuvToCIEuvY [1]XmbLookupString [1]
XDrawText16 [1]XQueryBestSize [1]XcmsCIELuvWhiteShiftColors [1]XmbResetIC [1]
XEHeadOfExtensionList [1]XQueryBestStipple [1]XcmsCIEXYZToCIELab [1]XmbSetWMProperties [1]
XESetBeforeFlush [1]XQueryBestTile [1]XcmsCIEXYZToCIEuvY [1]XmbTextEscapement [1]
XESetCloseDisplay [1]XQueryColor [1]XcmsCIEXYZToCIExyY [1]XmbTextExtents [1]
XESetCopyGC [1]XQueryColors [1]XcmsCIEXYZToRGBi [1]XmbTextListToTextProperty [1]
XESetCreateFont [1]XQueryExtension [1]XcmsCIEuvYToCIELuv [1]XmbTextPerCharExtents [1]
XESetCreateGC [1]XQueryFont [1]XcmsCIEuvYToCIEXYZ [1]XmbTextPropertyToTextList [1]
XESetError [1]XQueryKeymap [1]XcmsCIEuvYToTekHVC [1]XrmCombineDatabase [1]
XESetErrorString [1]XQueryPointer [1]XcmsCIExyYToCIEXYZ [1]XrmCombineFileDatabase [1]
XESetEventToWire [1]XQueryTextExtents [1]XcmsClientWhitePointOfCCC [1]XrmDestroyDatabase [1]
XESetFlushGC [1]XQueryTextExtents16 [1]XcmsConvertColors [1]XrmEnumerateDatabase [1]
XESetFreeFont [1]XQueryTree [1]XcmsCreateCCC [1]XrmGetDatabase [1]
XESetFreeGC [1]XRaiseWindow [1]XcmsDefaultCCC [1]XrmGetFileDatabase [1]
XESetPrintErrorValues [1]XReadBitmapFile [1]XcmsDisplayOfCCC [1]XrmGetResource [1]
XESetWireToError [1]XReadBitmapFileData [1]XcmsFormatOfPrefix [1]XrmGetStringDatabase [1]
XESetWireToEvent [1]XRebindKeysym [1]XcmsFreeCCC [1]XrmInitialize [1]
XEmptyRegion [1]XRecolorCursor [1]XcmsLookupColor [1]XrmLocaleOfDatabase [1]
XEnableAccessControl [1]XReconfigureWMWindow [1]XcmsPrefixOfFormat [1]XrmMergeDatabases [1]
XEqualRegion [1]XRectInRegion [1]XcmsQueryBlack [1]XrmParseCommand [1]
XEventMaskOfScreen [1]XRefreshKeyboardMapping [1]XcmsQueryBlue [1]XrmPermStringToQuark [1]
XEventsQueued [1]XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback [1]XcmsQueryColor [1]XrmPutFileDatabase [1]
XExtendedMaxRequestSize [1]XRemoveConnectionWatch [1]XcmsQueryColors [1]XrmPutLineResource [1]
XExtentsOfFontSet [1]XRemoveFromSaveSet [1]XcmsQueryGreen [1]XrmPutResource [1]
XFetchBuffer [1]XRemoveHost [1]XcmsQueryRed [1]XrmPutStringResource [1]
XFetchBytes [1]XRemoveHosts [1]XcmsQueryWhite [1]XrmQGetResource [1]
XFetchName [1]XReparentWindow [1]XcmsRGBToRGBi [1]XrmQGetSearchList [1]
XFillArc [1]XResetScreenSaver [1]XcmsRGBiToCIEXYZ [1]XrmQGetSearchResource [1]
XFillArcs [1]XResizeWindow [1]XcmsRGBiToRGB [1]XrmQPutResource [1]
XFillPolygon [1]XResourceManagerString [1]XcmsScreenNumberOfCCC [1]XrmQPutStringResource [1]
XFillRectangle [1]XRestackWindows [1]XcmsScreenWhitePointOfCCC [1]XrmQuarkToString [1]
XFillRectangles [1]XRootWindow [1]XcmsSetCCCOfColormap [1]XrmSetDatabase [1]
XFilterEvent [1]XRootWindowOfScreen [1]XcmsSetCompressionProc [1]XrmStringToBindingQuarkList [1]
XFindContext [1]XRotateBuffers [1]XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc [1]XrmStringToQuark [1]
XFindOnExtensionList [1]XRotateWindowProperties [1]XcmsSetWhitePoint [1]XrmStringToQuarkList [1]
XFlush [1]XSaveContext [1]XcmsStoreColor [1]XrmUniqueQuark [1]
XFlushGC [1]XScreenCount [1]XcmsStoreColors [1]Xutf8TextListToTextProperty [2]
XFontsOfFontSet [1]XScreenNumberOfScreen [1]XcmsTekHVCClipC [1]Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList [2]
XForceScreenSaver [1]XScreenOfDisplay [1]XcmsTekHVCClipV [1]XwcDrawImageString [1]
XFree [1]XScreenResourceString [1]XcmsTekHVCClipVC [1]XwcDrawString [1]
XFreeColormap [1]XSelectInput [1]XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC [1]XwcDrawText [1]
XFreeColors [1]XSendEvent [1]XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV [1]XwcFreeStringList [1]
XFreeCursor [1]XServerVendor [1]XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC [1]XwcLookupString [1]
XFreeExtensionList [1]XSetAccessControl [1]XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVSamples [1]XwcResetIC [1]
XFreeFont [1]XSetArcMode [1]XcmsTekHVCQueryMinV [1]XwcTextEscapement [1]
XFreeFontInfo [1]XSetAuthorization [1]XcmsTekHVCToCIEuvY [1]XwcTextExtents [1]
XFreeFontNames [1]XSetBackground [1]XcmsTekHVCWhiteShiftColors [1]XwcTextListToTextProperty [1]
XFreeFontPath [1]XSetClassHint [1]XcmsVisualOfCCC [1]XwcTextPerCharExtents [1]
XFreeFontSet [1]XSetClipMask [1]XkbAllocClientMap [1]XwcTextPropertyToTextList [1]
XFreeGC [1]XSetClipOrigin [1]XkbAllocCompatMap [1] 
XFreeModifiermap [1]XSetClipRectangles [1]XkbAllocControls [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic data interfaces for X Windows System Interface specified in Table 1-3, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-3. libX11 - X Windows System Interface Data Interfaces

XSetAfterFunction [1]XSynchronize [1]  

Referenced Specification(s)

Data Definitions for libX11

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libX11. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content.

These definitions are intended to supplement those provided in the referenced underlying specifications.

This specification uses ISO/IEC 9899 C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.


typedef unsigned long XID;
typedef unsigned long Atom;
typedef unsigned long VisualID;
typedef unsigned long Time;
typedef XID Window;
typedef XID Font;
typedef XID Pixmap;
typedef unsigned char KeyCode;
typedef XID Drawable;
typedef XID Cursor;
typedef XID Colormap;
typedef XID GContext;
typedef XID KeySym;
#define AllTemporary	0L
#define AnyButton	0L
#define AnyKey	0L
#define AnyPropertyType	0L
#define CopyFromParent	0L
#define CurrentTime	0L
#define NoSymbol	0L
#define None	0L
#define PointerWindow	0L
#define InputFocus	1L
#define ParentRelative	1L
#define PointerRoot	1L

#define KeyPressMask	(1L<<0)
#define KeyReleaseMask	(1L<<1)
#define Button3MotionMask	(1L<<10)
#define Button4MotionMask	(1L<<11)
#define Button5MotionMask	(1L<<12)
#define ButtonMotionMask	(1L<<13)
#define KeymapStateMask	(1L<<14)
#define ExposureMask	(1L<<15)
#define VisibilityChangeMask	(1L<<16)
#define StructureNotifyMask	(1L<<17)
#define ResizeRedirectMask	(1L<<18)
#define SubstructureNotifyMask	(1L<<19)
#define ButtonPressMask	(1L<<2)
#define SubstructureRedirectMask	(1L<<20)
#define FocusChangeMask	(1L<<21)
#define PropertyChangeMask	(1L<<22)
#define ColormapChangeMask	(1L<<23)
#define ButtonReleaseMask	(1L<<3)
#define EnterWindowMask	(1L<<4)
#define LeaveWindowMask	(1L<<5)
#define PointerMotionMask	(1L<<6)
#define PointerMotionHintMask	(1L<<7)
#define Button1MotionMask	(1L<<8)
#define Button2MotionMask	(1L<<9)

#define NoEventMask	0L
#define FocusOut	10
#define KeymapNotify	11
#define Expose	12
#define GraphicsExpose	13
#define NoExpose	14
#define VisibilityNotify	15
#define CreateNotify	16
#define DestroyNotify	17
#define UnmapNotify	18
#define MapNotify	19
#define KeyPress	2
#define MapRequest	20
#define ReparentNotify	21
#define ConfigureNotify	22
#define ConfigureRequest	23
#define GravityNotify	24
#define ResizeRequest	25
#define CirculateNotify	26
#define CirculateRequest	27
#define PropertyNotify	28
#define SelectionClear	29
#define KeyRelease	3
#define SelectionRequest	30
#define SelectionNotify	31
#define ColormapNotify	32
#define ClientMessage	33
#define MappingNotify	34
#define LASTEvent	35
#define ButtonPress	4
#define ButtonRelease	5
#define MotionNotify	6
#define EnterNotify	7
#define LeaveNotify	8
#define FocusIn	9

#define ShiftMask	(1<<0)
#define LockMask	(1<<1)
#define ControlMask	(1<<2)
#define Mod1Mask	(1<<3)
#define Mod2Mask	(1<<4)
#define Mod3Mask	(1<<5)
#define Mod4Mask	(1<<6)
#define Mod5Mask	(1<<7)

#define ShiftMapIndex	0
#define LockMapIndex	1
#define ControlMapIndex	2
#define Mod1MapIndex	3
#define Mod2MapIndex	4
#define Mod3MapIndex	5
#define Mod4MapIndex	6
#define Mod5MapIndex	7

#define Button3Mask	(1<<10)
#define Button4Mask	(1<<11)
#define Button5Mask	(1<<12)
#define AnyModifier	(1<<15)
#define Button1Mask	(1<<8)
#define Button2Mask	(1<<9)

#define Button1	1
#define Button2	2
#define Button3	3
#define Button4	4
#define Button5	5

#define NotifyNormal	0
#define NotifyGrab	1
#define NotifyHint	1
#define NotifyUngrab	2
#define NotifyWhileGrabbed	3

#define NotifyAncestor	0
#define NotifyVirtual	1
#define NotifyInferior	2
#define NotifyNonlinear	3
#define NotifyNonlinearVirtual	4
#define NotifyPointer	5
#define NotifyPointerRoot	6
#define NotifyDetailNone	7

#define VisibilityUnobscured	0
#define VisibilityPartiallyObscured	1
#define VisibilityFullyObscured	2

#define PlaceOnTop	0
#define PlaceOnBottom	1

#define FamilyInternet	0
#define FamilyDECnet	1
#define FamilyChaos	2

#define PropModeReplace	0
#define PropertyNewValue	0
#define PropertyDelete	1

#define ColormapUninstalled	0
#define ColormapInstalled	1

#define GrabModeSync	0
#define GrabModeAsync	1

#define GrabSuccess	0
#define AlreadyGrabbed	1
#define GrabInvalidTime	2
#define GrabNotViewable	3
#define GrabFrozen	4

#define AsyncPointer	0
#define SyncPointer	1
#define ReplayPointer	2
#define AsyncKeyboard	3
#define SyncKeyboard	4
#define ReplayKeyboard	5
#define AsyncBoth	6
#define SyncBoth	7

#define RevertToNone	(int)None
#define RevertToPointerRoot	(int)PointerRoot
#define RevertToParent	2

#define Success	0
#define BadRequest	1
#define BadAccess	10
#define BadAlloc	11
#define BadColor	12
#define FirstExtensionError	128
#define BadGC	13
#define BadIDChoice	14
#define BadName	15
#define BadLength	16
#define BadImplementation	17
#define BadValue	2
#define LastExtensionError	255
#define BadWindow	3
#define BadPixmap	4
#define BadAtom	5
#define BadCursor	6
#define BadFont	7
#define BadMatch	8
#define BadDrawable	9

#define CWX	(1<<0)
#define InputOutput	1
#define InputOnly	2

#define CWBackPixmap	(1L<<0)
#define CWBackPixel	(1L<<1)
#define CWSaveUnder	(1L<<10)
#define CWEventMask	(1L<<11)
#define CWDontPropagate	(1L<<12)
#define CWColormap	(1L<<13)
#define CWCursor	(1L<<14)
#define CWBorderPixmap	(1L<<2)
#define CWBorderPixel	(1L<<3)
#define CWBitGravity	(1L<<4)
#define CWWinGravity	(1L<<5)
#define CWBackingStore	(1L<<6)
#define CWBackingPlanes	(1L<<7)
#define CWBackingPixel	(1L<<8)
#define CWOverrideRedirect	(1L<<9)

#define CWY	(1<<1)
#define CWWidth	(1<<2)
#define CWHeight	(1<<3)
#define CWBorderWidth	(1<<4)
#define CWSibling	(1<<5)
#define CWStackMode	(1<<6)

#define ForgetGravity	0
#define UnmapGravity	0
#define NorthWestGravity	1
#define StaticGravity	10
#define NorthGravity	2
#define NorthEastGravity	3
#define WestGravity	4
#define CenterGravity	5
#define EastGravity	6
#define SouthWestGravity	7
#define SouthGravity	8
#define SouthEastGravity	9

#define NotUseful	0
#define WhenMapped	1
#define Always	2

#define IsUnmapped	0
#define IsUnviewable	1
#define IsViewable	2

#define SetModeInsert	0
#define SetModeDelete	1

#define DestroyAll	0
#define RetainPermanent	1
#define RetainTemporary	2

#define Above	0
#define Below	1
#define TopIf	2
#define BottomIf	3

#define RaiseLowest	0
#define LowerHighest	1

#define PropModePrepend	1
#define PropModeAppend	2

#define GXclear	0x0
#define GXand	0x1
#define GXandReverse	0x2
#define GXcopy	0x3
#define GXandInverted	0x4
#define GXnoop	0x5
#define GXxor	0x6
#define GXor	0x7
#define GXnor	0x8
#define GXequiv	0x9
#define GXinvert	0xa
#define GXorReverse	0xb
#define GXcopyInverted	0xc
#define GXorInverted	0xd
#define GXnand	0xe
#define GXset	0xf

#define LineSolid	0
#define LineOnOffDash	1
#define LineDoubleDash	2

#define CapNotLast	0
#define CapButt	1
#define CapRound	2
#define CapProjecting	3

#define JoinMiter	0
#define JoinRound	1
#define JoinBevel	2

#define FillSolid	0
#define FillTiled	1
#define FillStippled	2
#define FillOpaqueStippled	3

#define EvenOddRule	0
#define WindingRule	1

#define ClipByChildren	0
#define IncludeInferiors	1

#define Unsorted	0
#define XYBitmap	0
#define YSorted	1
#define YXSorted	2
#define YXBanded	3

#define CoordModeOrigin	0
#define CoordModePrevious	1

#define Complex	0
#define Nonconvex	1
#define Convex	2

#define ArcChord	0
#define ArcPieSlice	1

#define GCFunction	(1L<<0)
#define GCPlaneMask	(1L<<1)
#define GCTile	(1L<<10)
#define GCStipple	(1L<<11)
#define GCTileStipXOrigin	(1L<<12)
#define GCTileStipYOrigin	(1L<<13)
#define GCFont	(1L<<14)
#define GCSubwindowMode	(1L<<15)
#define GCGraphicsExposures	(1L<<16)
#define GCClipXOrigin	(1L<<17)
#define GCClipYOrigin	(1L<<18)
#define GCClipMask	(1L<<19)
#define GCForeground	(1L<<2)
#define GCDashOffset	(1L<<20)
#define GCDashList	(1L<<21)
#define GCArcMode	(1L<<22)
#define GCBackground	(1L<<3)
#define GCLineWidth	(1L<<4)
#define GCLineStyle	(1L<<5)
#define GCCapStyle	(1L<<6)
#define GCJoinStyle	(1L<<7)
#define GCFillStyle	(1L<<8)
#define GCFillRule	(1L<<9)
#define GCLastBit	22
#define FontChange	255

#define FontLeftToRight	0
#define FontRightToLeft	1

#define XYPixmap	1
#define ZPixmap	2

#define AllocNone	0
#define AllocAll	1

#define DoRed	(1<<0)
#define DoGreen	(1<<1)
#define DoBlue	(1<<2)

#define CursorShape	0
#define TileShape	1
#define StippleShape	2

#define AutoRepeatModeOff	0
#define LedModeOff	0
#define AutoRepeatModeOn	1
#define LedModeOn	1
#define AutoRepeatModeDefault	2

#define KBKeyClickPercent	(1L<<0)
#define KBBellPercent	(1L<<1)
#define KBBellPitch	(1L<<2)
#define KBBellDuration	(1L<<3)
#define KBLed	(1L<<4)
#define KBLedMode	(1L<<5)
#define KBKey	(1L<<6)
#define KBAutoRepeatMode	(1L<<7)
#define MappingModifier	0
#define MappingSuccess	0
#define MappingBusy	1
#define MappingKeyboard	1
#define MappingFailed	2
#define MappingPointer	2

#define DisableScreenInterval	0
#define DisableScreenSaver	0
#define DontAllowExposures	0
#define DontPreferBlanking	0
#define AllowExposures	1
#define PreferBlanking	1
#define DefaultBlanking	2
#define DefaultExposures	2

#define ScreenSaverReset	0
#define ScreenSaverActive	1

#define HostInsert	0
#define HostDelete	1

#define DisableAccess	0
#define EnableAccess	1

#define StaticGray	0
#define GrayScale	1
#define StaticColor	2
#define PseudoColor	3
#define TrueColor	4
#define DirectColor	5

#define LSBFirst	0
#define MSBFirst	1


typedef struct xauth
  unsigned short family;
  unsigned short address_length;
  char *address;
  unsigned short number_length;
  char *number;
  unsigned short name_length;
  char *name;
  unsigned short data_length;
  char *data;


typedef struct _XcmsFunctionSet
  XcmsColorSpace **DDColorSpaces;
  XcmsScreenInitProc screenInitProc;
  XcmsScreenFreeProc screenFreeProc;

typedef unsigned long XcmsColorFormat;
typedef double XcmsFloat;
typedef struct
  unsigned short red;
  unsigned short green;
  unsigned short blue;
typedef struct
  XcmsFloat red;
  XcmsFloat green;
  XcmsFloat blue;
typedef struct
  XcmsFloat X;
  XcmsFloat Y;
  XcmsFloat Z;
typedef struct
  XcmsFloat u_prime;
  XcmsFloat v_prime;
  XcmsFloat Y;
typedef struct
  XcmsFloat x;
  XcmsFloat y;
  XcmsFloat Y;
typedef struct
  XcmsFloat L_star;
  XcmsFloat a_star;
  XcmsFloat b_star;
typedef struct
  XcmsFloat L_star;
  XcmsFloat u_star;
  XcmsFloat v_star;
typedef struct
  XcmsFloat H;
  XcmsFloat V;
  XcmsFloat C;
typedef struct
  XcmsFloat pad0;
  XcmsFloat pad1;
  XcmsFloat pad2;
  XcmsFloat pad3;

typedef union
  XcmsRGB RGB;
  XcmsRGBi RGBi;
  XcmsCIEuvY CIEuvY;
  XcmsCIExyY CIExyY;
  XcmsCIELab CIELab;
  XcmsCIELuv CIELuv;
  XcmsTekHVC TekHVC;
  XcmsPad Pad;

typedef struct _XcmsPerScrnInfo
  XcmsColor screenWhitePt;
  XPointer functionSet;
  XPointer screenData;
  unsigned char state;
  char pad[1];

typedef int (*XcmsCompressionProc) (void);
typedef int (*XcmsWhiteAdjustProc) (void);
typedef int (*XcmsScreenInitProc) (void);
typedef void (*XcmsScreenFreeProc) (void);
typedef int (*XcmsConversionProc) (void);
typedef int (*XcmsParseStringProc) (void);

typedef struct _XcmsCCC
  Display *dpy;
  int screenNumber;
  Visual *visual;
  XcmsColor clientWhitePt;
  XcmsCompressionProc gamutCompProc;
  XPointer gamutCompClientData;
  XcmsWhiteAdjustProc whitePtAdjProc;
  XPointer whitePtAdjClientData;
  XcmsPerScrnInfo *pPerScrnInfo;

typedef XcmsConversionProc *XcmsFuncListPtr;

typedef struct _XcmsColorSpace
  char *prefix;
  XcmsColorFormat id;
  XcmsParseStringProc parseString;
  XcmsFuncListPtr to_CIEXYZ;
  XcmsFuncListPtr from_CIEXYZ;
  int inverse_flag;


struct _XDisplay;
typedef struct XColor;
typedef void *XVaNestedList;
typedef int (*XErrorHandler) (void);
typedef int (*XIOErrorHandler) (void);
typedef void (*XConnectionWatchProc) (void);

typedef char *XPointer;

typedef struct _XExtData
  int number;
  struct _XExtData *next;
  int (*free_private) (struct _XExtData * extension);
  XPointer private_data;
typedef struct XExtCodes;

typedef struct XPixmapFormatValues;

typedef struct XGCValues;

typedef struct _XGC *GC;

typedef struct Visual;

typedef struct Depth;

typedef struct Screen;

typedef struct ScreenFormat;

typedef struct XSetWindowAttributes;
typedef struct XWindowAttributes;

typedef struct XHostAddress;

typedef struct _XImage
  int width;
  int height;
  int xoffset;
  int format;
  char *data;
  int byte_order;
  int bitmap_unit;
  int bitmap_bit_order;
  int bitmap_pad;
  int depth;
  int bytes_per_line;
  int bits_per_pixel;
  unsigned long red_mask;
  unsigned long green_mask;
  unsigned long blue_mask;
  XPointer obdata;
  struct funcs f;

typedef struct XWindowChanges;

typedef struct XSegment;
typedef struct XPoint;
typedef struct XRectangle;
typedef struct XArc;

typedef struct XKeyboardControl;

typedef struct XKeyboardState;

typedef struct XTimeCoord;

typedef struct XModifierKeymap;

typedef struct _XDisplay Display;

typedef struct XKeyEvent;
typedef XKeyEvent XKeyPressedEvent;
typedef XKeyEvent XKeyReleasedEvent;
typedef struct XButtonEvent;
typedef XButtonEvent XButtonPressedEvent;
typedef XButtonEvent XButtonReleasedEvent;
typedef struct XMotionEvent;
typedef XMotionEvent XPointerMovedEvent;
typedef struct XCrossingEvent;
typedef XCrossingEvent XEnterWindowEvent;
typedef XCrossingEvent XLeaveWindowEvent;
typedef struct XFocusChangeEvent;
typedef XFocusChangeEvent XFocusInEvent;
typedef XFocusChangeEvent XFocusOutEvent;
typedef struct XKeymapEvent;
typedef struct XExposeEvent;
typedef struct XGraphicsExposeEvent;
typedef struct XNoExposeEvent;
typedef struct XVisibilityEvent;
typedef struct XCreateWindowEvent;
typedef struct XDestroyWindowEvent;
typedef struct XUnmapEvent;
typedef struct XMapEvent;
typedef struct XMapRequestEvent;
typedef struct XReparentEvent;
typedef struct XConfigureEvent;
typedef struct XGravityEvent;
typedef struct XResizeRequestEvent;
typedef struct XConfigureRequestEvent;
typedef struct XCirculateEvent;
typedef struct XCirculateRequestEvent;
typedef struct XPropertyEvent;
typedef struct XSelectionClearEvent;
typedef struct XSelectionRequestEvent;
typedef struct XSelectionEvent;
typedef struct XColormapEvent;
typedef union XClientMessageEvent;
typedef struct XMappingEvent;
typedef struct XErrorEvent;
typedef struct XAnyEvent;

typedef union _XEvent
  int type;
  XAnyEvent xany;
  XKeyEvent xkey;
  XButtonEvent xbutton;
  XMotionEvent xmotion;
  XCrossingEvent xcrossing;
  XFocusChangeEvent xfocus;
  XExposeEvent xexpose;
  XGraphicsExposeEvent xgraphicsexpose;
  XNoExposeEvent xnoexpose;
  XVisibilityEvent xvisibility;
  XCreateWindowEvent xcreatewindow;
  XDestroyWindowEvent xdestroywindow;
  XUnmapEvent xunmap;
  XMapEvent xmap;
  XMapRequestEvent xmaprequest;
  XReparentEvent xreparent;
  XConfigureEvent xconfigure;
  XGravityEvent xgravity;
  XResizeRequestEvent xresizerequest;
  XConfigureRequestEvent xconfigurerequest;
  XCirculateEvent xcirculate;
  XCirculateRequestEvent xcirculaterequest;
  XPropertyEvent xproperty;
  XSelectionClearEvent xselectionclear;
  XSelectionRequestEvent xselectionrequest;
  XSelectionEvent xselection;
  XColormapEvent xcolormap;
  XClientMessageEvent xclient;
  XMappingEvent xmapping;
  XErrorEvent xerror;
  XKeymapEvent xkeymap;
  long pad[1];

typedef struct XCharStruct;

typedef struct XFontProp;
typedef struct XFontStruct;
typedef struct XFontSetExtents;

typedef struct XTextItem;
typedef struct XChar2b;
typedef struct XTextItem16;

typedef union XEDataObject;

typedef struct _XOM *XOM;
typedef struct _XOC *XOC;
typedef struct _XOC *XFontSet;

typedef struct XmbTextItem;
typedef struct XwcTextItem;

typedef struct _XIM *XIM;
typedef struct _XIC *XIC;
typedef void (*XIDProc) (void);


typedef struct XSizeHints;
typedef struct XWMHints;
typedef struct XTextProperty;
typedef struct XIconSize;
typedef struct XClassHint;
typedef struct _XComposeStatus
  XPointer compose_ptr;
  int chars_matched;
typedef struct _XRegion *Region;
typedef struct XVisualInfo;
typedef struct XStandardColormap;
typedef int XContext;
typedef enum XICCEncodingStyle;

Interface Definitions for libX11

The following interfaces are included in libX11 and are defined by this specification. Unless otherwise noted, these interfaces shall be included in the source standard.

Other interfaces listed above for libX11 shall behave as described in the referenced base document.

Interfaces for libXext

Table 1-4 defines the library name and shared object name for the libXext library

Table 1-4. libXext Definition


The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:

Double Buffer Extension Library
X Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) Extension, Library Specification
Security Extension Specification, Version 7.1
X Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension Library Version 1.0
MIT-SHM--The MIT Shared Memory Extension
X Synchronization Extension Library

X Shape Extension

Interfaces for X Shape Extension

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Shape Extension specified in Table 1-5, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-5. libXext - X Shape Extension Function Interfaces

XShapeCombineMask [1]XShapeCombineShape [1]XShapeOffsetShape [1]XShapeQueryVersion [1]
XShapeCombineRectangles [1]XShapeGetRectangles [1]XShapeQueryExtension [1]XShapeSelectInput [1]
XShapeCombineRegion [1]XShapeInputSelected [1]XShapeQueryExtents [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)

X Display Power Management Signaling Extension

Interfaces for X Display Power Management Signaling Extension

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Display Power Management Signaling Extension specified in Table 1-6, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-6. libXext - X Display Power Management Signaling Extension Function Interfaces

DPMSCapable [1]DPMSForceLevel [1]DPMSInfo [1] 
DPMSDisable [1]DPMSGetTimeouts [1]DPMSQueryExtension [1] 
DPMSEnable [1]DPMSGetVersion [1]DPMSSetTimeouts [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)

X Shared Memory Extensions

Interfaces for X Shared Memory Extensions

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Shared Memory Extensions specified in Table 1-7, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-7. libXext - X Shared Memory Extensions Function Interfaces

XShmAttach [1]XShmDetach [1]XShmPixmapFormat [1]XShmQueryVersion [1]
XShmCreateImage [1]XShmGetEventBase [1]XShmPutImage [1] 
XShmCreatePixmap [1]XShmGetImage [1]XShmQueryExtension [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)

MIT-MISC Extension

Interfaces for MIT-MISC Extension

No external functions are defined for libXext - MIT-MISC Extension

X Synchronization Extension

Interfaces for X Synchronization Extension

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Synchronization Extension specified in Table 1-8, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-8. libXext - X Synchronization Extension Function Interfaces

XSyncAwait [1]XSyncGetPriority [1]XSyncQueryCounter [1]XSyncValueHigh32 [1]
XSyncChangeAlarm [1]XSyncInitialize [1]XSyncQueryExtension [1]XSyncValueIsNegative [1]
XSyncChangeCounter [1]XSyncIntToValue [1]XSyncSetCounter [1]XSyncValueIsPositive [1]
XSyncCreateAlarm [1]XSyncIntsToValue [1]XSyncSetPriority [1]XSyncValueIsZero [1]
XSyncCreateCounter [1]XSyncListSystemCounters [1]XSyncValueAdd [1]XSyncValueLessOrEqual [1]
XSyncDestroyAlarm [1]XSyncMaxValue [1]XSyncValueEqual [1]XSyncValueLessThan [1]
XSyncDestroyCounter [1]XSyncMinValue [1]XSyncValueGreaterOrEqual [1]XSyncValueLow32 [1]
XSyncFreeSystemCounterList [1]XSyncQueryAlarm [1]XSyncValueGreaterThan [1]XSyncValueSubtract [1]

Referenced Specification(s)

X Security Extension

Interfaces for X Security Extension

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Security Extension specified in Table 1-9, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-9. libXext - X Security Extension Function Interfaces

XSecurityAllocXauth [1]XSecurityGenerateAuthorization [1]XSecurityRevokeAuthorization [1] 
XSecurityFreeXauth [1]XSecurityQueryExtension [1]  

Referenced Specification(s)

X Double Buffer Extension

Interfaces for X Double Buffer Extension

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Double Buffer Extension specified in Table 1-10, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-10. libXext - X Double Buffer Extension Function Interfaces

XdbeAllocateBackBufferName [1]XdbeEndIdiom [1]XdbeGetVisualInfo [1] 
XdbeBeginIdiom [1]XdbeFreeVisualInfo [1]XdbeQueryExtension [1] 
XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName [1]XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes [1]XdbeSwapBuffers [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)

Data Definitions for libXext

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libXext. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content.

These definitions are intended to supplement those provided in the referenced underlying specifications.

This specification uses ISO/IEC 9899 C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.


typedef unsigned long XSecurityAuthorization;
typedef struct
  unsigned int timeout;
  unsigned int trust_level;
  XID group;
  long event_mask;


typedef struct _XSyncSystemCounter
  char *name;
  XSyncCounter counter;
  XSyncValue resolution;
typedef struct
  XSyncCounter counter;
  XSyncValueType value_type;
  XSyncValue wait_value;
  XSyncTestType test_type;
typedef struct
  XSyncTrigger trigger;
  XSyncValue event_threshold;
typedef struct
  XSyncTrigger trigger;
  XSyncValue delta;
  int events;
  XSyncAlarmState state;

typedef XID XSyncCounter;
typedef XID XSyncAlarm;
typedef struct _XSyncValue
  int hi;
  unsigned int lo;
typedef enum
  XSyncAbsolute, XSyncRelative
typedef enum
  XSyncPositiveTransition, XSyncNegativeTransition, XSyncPositiveComparison,
typedef enum
  XSyncAlarmActive, XSyncAlarmInactive, XSyncAlarmDestroyed

Interfaces for libSM

Table 1-11 defines the library name and shared object name for the libSM library

Table 1-11. libSM Definition


The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:

X11R6.4 X Session Management Library

Session Management Functions

Interfaces for Session Management Functions

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Session Management Functions specified in Table 1-12, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-12. libSM - Session Management Functions Function Interfaces

SmFreeProperty [1]SmcOpenConnection [1]SmsCleanUp [1]SmsRegisterClientReply [1]
SmFreeReasons [1]SmcProtocolRevision [1]SmsClientHostName [1]SmsReturnProperties [1]
SmcClientID [1]SmcProtocolVersion [1]SmsClientID [1]SmsSaveComplete [1]
SmcCloseConnection [1]SmcRelease [1]SmsDie [1]SmsSaveYourself [1]
SmcDeleteProperties [1]SmcRequestSaveYourself [1]SmsGenerateClientID [1]SmsSaveYourselfPhase2 [1]
SmcGetIceConnection [1]SmcRequestSaveYourselfPhase2 [1]SmsGetIceConnection [1]SmsSetErrorHandler [1]
SmcGetProperties [1]SmcSaveYourselfDone [1]SmsInitialize [1]SmsShutdownCancelled [1]
SmcInteractDone [1]SmcSetErrorHandler [1]SmsInteract [1] 
SmcInteractRequest [1]SmcSetProperties [1]SmsProtocolRevision [1] 
SmcModifyCallbacks [1]SmcVendor [1]SmsProtocolVersion [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)

Data Definitions for libSM

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libSM. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content.

These definitions are intended to supplement those provided in the referenced underlying specifications.

This specification uses ISO/IEC 9899 C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.


typedef IcePointer SmPointer;
typedef struct _SmcConn *SmcConn;
typedef struct _SmsConn *SmsConn;

typedef struct
  int length;
  SmPointer value;
typedef struct
  char *name;
  char *type;
  int num_vals;
  SmPropValue *vals;

typedef enum
  SmcClosedNow, SmcClosedASAP, SmcConnectionInUse

typedef void (*SmcSaveYourselfPhase2Proc) (void);
typedef void (*SmcInteractProc) (void);
typedef void (*SmcDieProc) (void);
typedef void (*SmcShutdownCancelledProc) (void);
typedef void (*SmcSaveCompleteProc) (void);
typedef void (*SmcPropReplyProc) (void);

typedef struct
  SmcShutdownCancelledProc callback;
  SmPointer client_data;

typedef void (*SmsSetPropertiesProc) (void);
typedef void (*SmsDeletePropertiesProc) (void);
typedef void (*SmsGetPropertiesProc) (void);

typedef struct
  SmsGetPropertiesProc callback;
  SmPointer manager_data;

typedef int (*SmsNewClientProc) (void);

typedef void (*SmcErrorHandler) (void);
typedef void (*SmsErrorHandler) (void);

Interfaces for libICE

Table 1-13 defines the library name and shared object name for the libICE library

Table 1-13. libICE Definition


The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:

X11R6.4 X Inter-Client Exchange (ICE) Protocol

ICE Functions

Interfaces for ICE Functions

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for ICE Functions specified in Table 1-14, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-14. libICE - ICE Functions Function Interfaces

IceAcceptConnection [1]IceFreeAuthFileEntry [1]IceListenForWellKnownConnections [1]IceRemoveConnectionWatch [1]
IceAddConnectionWatch [1]IceFreeListenObjs [1]IceLockAuthFile [1]IceSetErrorHandler [1]
IceAllocScratch [1]IceGenerateMagicCookie [1]IceOpenConnection [1]IceSetHostBasedAuthProc [1]
IceAppLockConn [1]IceGetAuthFileEntry [1]IcePing [1]IceSetIOErrorHandler [1]
IceAppUnlockConn [1]IceGetConnectionContext [1]IceProcessMessages [1]IceSetPaAuthData [1]
IceAuthFileName [1]IceGetInBufSize [1]IceProtocolRevision [1]IceSetShutdownNegotiation [1]
IceCheckShutdownNegotiation [1]IceGetListenConnectionNumber [1]IceProtocolSetup [1]IceSwapping [1]
IceCloseConnection [1]IceGetListenConnectionString [1]IceProtocolShutdown [1]IceUnlockAuthFile [1]
IceComposeNetworkIdList [1]IceGetOutBufSize [1]IceProtocolVersion [1]IceVendor [1]
IceConnectionNumber [1]IceInitThreads [1]IceReadAuthFileEntry [1]IceWriteAuthFileEntry [1]
IceConnectionStatus [1]IceLastReceivedSequenceNumber [1]IceRegisterForProtocolReply [1] 
IceConnectionString [1]IceLastSentSequenceNumber [1]IceRegisterForProtocolSetup [1] 
IceFlush [1]IceListenForConnections [1]IceRelease [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)

Data Definitions for libICE

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libICE. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content.

These definitions are intended to supplement those provided in the referenced underlying specifications.

This specification uses ISO/IEC 9899 C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.


typedef void *IcePointer;
typedef enum
  IcePoAuthHaveReply, IcePoAuthRejected, IcePoAuthFailed, IcePoAuthDoneCleanup
typedef enum
  IcePaAuthContinue, IcePaAuthAccepted, IcePaAuthRejected, IcePaAuthFailed
typedef enum
  IceConnectPending, IceConnectAccepted, IceConnectRejected, IceConnectIOError
typedef enum
  IceProtocolSetupSuccess, IceProtocolSetupFailure, IceProtocolSetupIOError,
typedef enum
  IceAcceptSuccess, IceAcceptFailure, IceAcceptBadMalloc
typedef enum
  IceClosedNow, IceClosedASAP, IceConnectionInUse,
typedef enum
  IceProcessMessagesSuccess, IceProcessMessagesIOError,

typedef struct
  unsigned long sequence_of_request;
  int major_opcode_of_request;
  int minor_opcode_of_request;
  IcePointer reply;

typedef struct _IceConn *IceConn;
typedef struct _IceListenObj *IceListenObj;

typedef void (*IceWatchProc) (void);
typedef void (*IcePoProcessMsgProc) (void);
typedef void (*IcePaProcessMsgProc) (void);
typedef IcePoAuthStatus (*IcePoAuthProc) (void);
typedef IcePaAuthStatus (*IcePaAuthProc) (void);
typedef int (*IceHostBasedAuthProc) (void);
typedef int (*IceProtocolSetupProc) (void);
typedef void (*IceProtocolActivateProc) (void);
typedef void (*IceIOErrorProc) (void);
typedef void (*IcePingReplyProc) (void);
typedef void (*IceErrorHandler) (void);
typedef void (*IceIOErrorHandler) (void);

typedef struct
  int major_version;
  int minor_version;
  IcePoProcessMsgProc process_msg_proc;
typedef struct
  int major_version;
  int minor_version;
  IcePaProcessMsgProc process_msg_proc;


typedef struct
  char *protocol_name;
  unsigned short protocol_data_length;
  char *protocol_data;
  char *network_id;
  char *auth_name;
  unsigned short auth_data_length;
  char *auth_data;
typedef struct
  char *protocol_name;
  char *network_id;
  char *auth_name;
  unsigned short auth_data_length;
  char *auth_data;

Interfaces for libXt

Table 1-15 defines the library name and shared object name for the libXt library

Table 1-15. libXt Definition


The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:

Linux Standard Base
X11R6.4 X Toolkit Intrinsics

X Toolkit

Interfaces for X Toolkit

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for X Toolkit specified in Table 1-16, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-16. libXt - X Toolkit Function Interfaces

XtAddActions [1]XtCvtColorToPixel [1]XtGrabKeyboard [1]XtRemoveEventHandler [1]
XtAddCallback [1]XtCvtIntToBool [1]XtGrabPointer [1]XtRemoveEventTypeHandler [1]
XtAddCallbacks [1]XtCvtIntToBoolean [1]XtHasCallbacks [1]XtRemoveGrab [1]
XtAddConverter [1]XtCvtIntToColor [1]XtHooksOfDisplay [1]XtRemoveInput [1]
XtAddEventHandler [1]XtCvtIntToFloat [1]XtInitialize [1]XtRemoveRawEventHandler [1]
XtAddExposureToRegion [1]XtCvtIntToFont [1]XtInitializeWidgetClass [1]XtRemoveSignal [1]
XtAddGrab [1]XtCvtIntToPixel [1]XtInsertEventHandler [1]XtRemoveTimeOut [1]
XtAddInput [1]XtCvtIntToPixmap [1]XtInsertEventTypeHandler [1]XtRemoveWorkProc [1]
XtAddRawEventHandler [1]XtCvtIntToShort [1]XtInsertRawEventHandler [1]XtReservePropertyAtom [1]
XtAddSignal [1]XtCvtIntToUnsignedChar [1]XtInstallAccelerators [1]XtResizeWidget [1]
XtAddTimeOut [1]XtCvtStringToAcceleratorTable [1]XtInstallAllAccelerators [1]XtResizeWindow [1]
XtAddWorkProc [1]XtCvtStringToAtom [1]XtIsApplicationShell [1]XtResolvePathname [1]
XtAllocateGC [1]XtCvtStringToBool [1]XtIsComposite [1]XtScreen [1]
XtAppAddActionHook [1]XtCvtStringToBoolean [1]XtIsConstraint [1]XtScreenDatabase [1]
XtAppAddActions [1]XtCvtStringToCommandArgArray [1]XtIsManaged [1]XtScreenOfObject [1]
XtAppAddBlockHook [1]XtCvtStringToCursor [1]XtIsObject [1]XtSendSelectionRequest [1]
XtAppAddConverter [1]XtCvtStringToDimension [1]XtIsOverrideShell [1]XtSessionGetToken [1]
XtAppAddInput [1]XtCvtStringToDirectoryString [1]XtIsRealized [1]XtSessionReturnToken [1]
XtAppAddSignal [1]XtCvtStringToDisplay [1]XtIsRectObj [1]XtSetErrorHandler [1]
XtAppAddTimeOut [1]XtCvtStringToFile [1]XtIsSensitive [1]XtSetErrorMsgHandler [1]
XtAppAddWorkProc [1]XtCvtStringToFloat [1]XtIsSessionShell [1]XtSetEventDispatcher [1]
XtAppCreateShell [1]XtCvtStringToFont [1]XtIsShell [1]XtSetKeyTranslator [1]
XtAppError [1]XtCvtStringToFontSet [1]XtIsSubclass [1]XtSetKeyboardFocus [1]
XtAppErrorMsg [1]XtCvtStringToFontStruct [1]XtIsTopLevelShell [1]XtSetLanguageProc [1]
XtAppGetErrorDatabase [1]XtCvtStringToGravity [1]XtIsTransientShell [1]XtSetMappedWhenManaged [1]
XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText [1]XtCvtStringToInitialState [1]XtIsVendorShell [1]XtSetMultiClickTime [1]
XtAppGetExitFlag [1]XtCvtStringToInt [1]XtIsWMShell [1]XtSetSelectionParameters [1]
XtAppGetSelectionTimeout [1]XtCvtStringToPixel [1]XtIsWidget [1]XtSetSelectionTimeout [1]
XtAppInitialize [1]XtCvtStringToRestartStyle [1]XtKeysymToKeycodeList [1]XtSetSensitive [1]
XtAppLock [1]XtCvtStringToShort [1]XtLastEventProcessed [1]XtSetSubvalues [1]
XtAppMainLoop [1]XtCvtStringToTranslationTable [1]XtLastTimestampProcessed [1]XtSetTypeConverter [1]
XtAppNextEvent [1]XtCvtStringToUnsignedChar [1]XtMainLoop [1]XtSetValues [1]
XtAppPeekEvent [1]XtCvtStringToVisual [1]XtMakeGeometryRequest [1]XtSetWMColormapWindows [1]
XtAppPending [1]XtDatabase [1]XtMakeResizeRequest [1]XtSetWarningHandler [1]
XtAppProcessEvent [1]XtDestroyApplicationContext [1]XtMalloc [1]XtSetWarningMsgHandler [1]
XtAppReleaseCacheRefs [1]XtDestroyGC [1]XtManageChild [1]XtStringConversionWarning [1]
XtAppSetErrorHandler [1]XtDestroyWidget [1]XtManageChildren [1]XtSuperclass [1]
XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler [1]XtDirectConvert [1]XtMapWidget [1]XtToolkitInitialize [1]
XtAppSetExitFlag [1]XtDisownSelection [1]XtMenuPopupAction [1]XtToolkitThreadInitialize [1]
XtAppSetFallbackResources [1]XtDispatchEvent [1]XtMergeArgLists [1]XtTranslateCoords [1]
XtAppSetSelectionTimeout [1]XtDispatchEventToWidget [1]XtMoveWidget [1]XtTranslateKey [1]
XtAppSetTypeConverter [1]XtDisplay [1]XtName [1]XtTranslateKeycode [1]
XtAppSetWarningHandler [1]XtDisplayInitialize [1]XtNameToWidget [1]XtUngrabButton [1]
XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler [1]XtDisplayOfObject [1]XtNewString [1]XtUngrabKey [1]
XtAppUnlock [1]XtDisplayStringConversionWarning [1]XtNextEvent [1]XtUngrabKeyboard [1]
XtAppWarning [1]XtDisplayToApplicationContext [1]XtNoticeSignal [1]XtUngrabPointer [1]
XtAppWarningMsg [1]XtError [1]XtOpenApplication [1]XtUninstallTranslations [1]
XtAugmentTranslations [1]XtErrorMsg [1]XtOpenDisplay [1]XtUnmanageChild [1]
XtBuildEventMask [1]XtFindFile [1]XtOverrideTranslations [1]XtUnmanageChildren [1]
XtCallAcceptFocus [1]XtFree [1]XtOwnSelection [1]XtUnmapWidget [1]
XtCallActionProc [1]XtGetActionKeysym [1]XtOwnSelectionIncremental [1]XtUnrealizeWidget [1]
XtCallCallbackList [1]XtGetActionList [1]XtParent [1]XtUnregisterDrawable [1]
XtCallCallbacks [1]XtGetApplicationNameAndClass [1]XtParseAcceleratorTable [1]XtVaAppCreateShell [1]
XtCallConverter [1]XtGetApplicationResources [1]XtParseTranslationTable [1]XtVaAppInitialize [1]
XtCallbackExclusive [1]XtGetClassExtension [1]XtPeekEvent [1]XtVaCreateArgsList [1]
XtCallbackNone [1]XtGetConstraintResourceList [1]XtPending [1]XtVaCreateManagedWidget [1]
XtCallbackNonexclusive [1]XtGetDisplays [1]XtPopdown [1]XtVaCreatePopupShell [1]
XtCallbackPopdown [1]XtGetErrorDatabase [1]XtPopup [1]XtVaCreateWidget [1]
XtCallbackReleaseCacheRef [1]XtGetErrorDatabaseText [1]XtPopupSpringLoaded [1]XtVaGetApplicationResources [1]
XtCallbackReleaseCacheRefList [1]XtGetGC [1]XtProcessEvent [1]XtVaGetSubresources [1]
XtCalloc [1]XtGetKeyboardFocusWidget [1]XtProcessLock [1]XtVaGetSubvalues [1]
XtCancelSelectionRequest [1]XtGetKeysymTable [1]XtProcessUnlock [1]XtVaGetValues [1]
XtChangeManagedSet [1]XtGetMultiClickTime [1]XtQueryGeometry [1]XtVaOpenApplication [1]
XtClass [1]XtGetResourceList [1]XtRealizeWidget [1]XtVaSetSubvalues [1]
XtCloseDisplay [1]XtGetSelectionParameters [1]XtRealloc [1]XtVaSetValues [1]
XtConfigureWidget [1]XtGetSelectionRequest [1]XtRegisterCaseConverter [1]XtWarning [1]
XtConvert [1]XtGetSelectionTimeout [1]XtRegisterDrawable [1]XtWarningMsg [1]
XtConvertAndStore [1]XtGetSelectionValue [1]XtRegisterExtensionSelector [1]XtWidgetToApplicationContext [1]
XtConvertCase [1]XtGetSelectionValueIncremental [1]XtRegisterGrabAction [1]XtWindow [1]
XtCreateApplicationContext [1]XtGetSelectionValues [1]XtReleaseGC [1]XtWindowOfObject [1]
XtCreateApplicationShell [1]XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental [1]XtReleasePropertyAtom [1]XtWindowToWidget [1]
XtCreateManagedWidget [1]XtGetSubresources [1]XtRemoveActionHook [1]_XtCheckSubclassFlag [1]
XtCreatePopupShell [1]XtGetSubvalues [1]XtRemoveAllCallbacks [1]_XtCopyFromArg [2]
XtCreateSelectionRequest [1]XtGetValues [1]XtRemoveBlockHook [1]_XtInherit [2]
XtCreateWidget [1]XtGrabButton [1]XtRemoveCallback [1]_XtIsSubclassOf [2]
XtCreateWindow [1]XtGrabKey [1]XtRemoveCallbacks [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic data interfaces for X Toolkit specified in Table 1-17, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 1-17. libXt - X Toolkit Data Interfaces

XtCXtToolkitError [1]constraintClassRec [1]rectObjClass [1]topLevelShellWidgetClass [1]
XtShellStrings [1]constraintWidgetClass [1]rectObjClassRec [1]transientShellClassRec [1]
XtStrings [1]coreWidgetClass [1]sessionShellClassRec [1]transientShellWidgetClass [1]
_XtInheritTranslations [2]objectClass [1]sessionShellWidgetClass [1]widgetClass [1]
applicationShellWidgetClass [1]objectClassRec [1]shellClassRec [1]widgetClassRec [1]
compositeClassRec [1]overrideShellClassRec [1]shellWidgetClass [1]wmShellClassRec [1]
compositeWidgetClass [1]overrideShellWidgetClass [1]topLevelShellClassRec [1]wmShellWidgetClass [1]

Referenced Specification(s)

Data Definitions for libXt

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libXt. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content.

These definitions are intended to supplement those provided in the referenced underlying specifications.

This specification uses ISO/IEC 9899 C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.


typedef Cardinal (*XtOrderProc) (Widget child);
typedef void (*XtDoChangeProc) (Widget composite_parent,
				WidgetList unmanage_children,
				Cardinal * num_unmanage_children,
				WidgetList manage_children,
				Cardinal * num_manage_children,
				XtPointer client_data);


#define XtInheritGeometryManager	((XtGeometryHandler) _XtInherit)
#define XtInheritDeleteChild	((XtWidgetProc) _XtInherit)
#define XtInheritInsertChild	((XtWidgetProc) _XtInherit)
#define XtCompositeExtensionVersion	2L

typedef struct _CompositeClassPart CompositeClassPart;

typedef struct _CompositeClassRec CompositeClassRec;


#define XtConstraintExtensionVersion	1L

typedef struct _ConstraintPart ConstraintPart;
typedef struct _ConstraintClassPart ConstraintClassPart;
typedef struct _ConstraintClassRec
  CoreClassPart core_class;
  CompositeClassPart composite_class;
  ConstraintClassPart constraint_class;


typedef struct _ConstraintClassRec *ConstraintWidgetClass;


typedef struct _WidgetRec *Widget;
typedef Widget *WidgetList;
typedef struct _WidgetClassRec *WidgetClass;
typedef struct _CompositeRec *CompositeWidget;
typedef struct _XtActionsRec *XtActionList;
typedef struct _XtEventRec *XtEventTable;
typedef struct _XtAppStruct *XtAppContext;
typedef unsigned long XtValueMask;
typedef unsigned long XtIntervalId;
typedef unsigned long XtInputId;
typedef unsigned long XtSignalId;
typedef unsigned int XtGeometryMask;
typedef unsigned long XtGCMask;
typedef unsigned long Pixel;
typedef int XtCacheType;
typedef char Boolean;
typedef long XtArgVal;
typedef unsigned char XtEnum;
typedef unsigned int Cardinal;
typedef unsigned short Dimension;
typedef short Position;
typedef void *XtPointer;
typedef XtPointer Opaque;


#define XtInheritAllocate	((XtAllocateProc) _XtInherit)
#define XtInheritDeallocate	((XtDeallocateProc) _XtInherit)
#define XtObjectExtensionVersion	1L

typedef struct _ObjectPart
  Widget self;
  WidgetClass widget_class;
  Widget parent;
  XrmName xrm_name;
  Boolean being_destroyed;
  XtCallbackList destroy_callbacks;
  XtPointer constraints;

typedef struct _ObjectRec
  ObjectPart object;

typedef struct _ObjectClassPart
  WidgetClass superclass;
  String class_name;
  Cardinal widget_size;
  XtProc class_initialize;
  XtWidgetClassProc class_part_initialize;
  XtEnum class_inited;
  XtInitProc initialize;
  XtArgsProc initialize_hook;
  XtProc obj1;
  XtProc obj2;
  XtProc obj3;
  XtResourceList resources;
  Cardinal num_resources;
  XrmClass xrm_class;
  Boolean obj4;
  XtEnum obj5;
  Boolean obj6;
  Boolean obj7;
  XtWidgetProc destroy;
  XtProc obj8;
  XtProc obj9;
  XtSetValuesFunc set_values;
  XtArgsFunc set_values_hook;
  XtProc obj10;
  XtArgsProc get_values_hook;
  XtProc obj11;
  XtVersionType version;
  XtPointer callback_private;
  String obj12;
  XtProc obj13;
  XtProc obj14;
  XtPointer extension;

  XtPointer next_extension;
  XrmQuark record_type;
  long version;
  Cardinal record_size;
  XtAllocateProc allocate;
  XtDeallocateProc deallocate;

typedef struct
  XtPointer next_extension;
  XrmQuark record_type;
  long version;
  Cardinal record_size;
  XtAllocateProc allocate;
  XtDeallocateProc deallocate;
typedef struct
  XtPointer next_extension;
  XrmQuark record_type;
  long version;
  Cardinal record_size;
  XtAllocateProc allocate;
  XtDeallocateProc deallocate;

typedef struct _ObjectClassRec
  ObjectClassPart object_class;

Interface Definitions for libXt

Table of Contents
_XtCopyFromArg -- Copy "size" bytes from src to dst.
_XtInherit -- inheritance operation.
_XtInheritTranslations -- an inheritance constant
_XtIsSubclassOf -- determine if Widget is a subclass of WidgetClass.

The following interfaces are included in libXt and are defined by this specification. Unless otherwise noted, these interfaces shall be included in the source standard.

Other interfaces listed above for libXt shall behave as described in the referenced base document.



_XtCopyFromArg -- Copy "size" bytes from src to dst.


void _XtCopyFromArg(XtArgVal src,char* dst,unsigned int size);


The _XtCopyFromArg() function copies "size" bytes from src to dst. This is an internal X function call.



_XtInherit -- inheritance operation.


#include <IntrinsicP.h>

extern void _XtInherit(
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes


_XtInherit() is a procedure that issues an error message if it is actually called.



_XtInheritTranslations -- an inheritance constant


#include <CoreP.h>

externalref int _XtInheritTranslations;


_XtInheritTranslations is an inheritance constant.



_XtIsSubclassOf -- determine if Widget is a subclass of WidgetClass.


#include <Intrinsic.h>

extern Boolean _XtIsSubclassOf(
    Widget              /* object*  /,
    WidgetClass         /* widget_class */,
    WidgetClass         /* flag_class */,
    _XtXtEnum           /* type_flag */,


Determine if Widget(object) is a subclass of WidgetClass(widget_class).

II. OpenGL Libraries

Table of Contents
2. Libraries

Chapter 2. Libraries

Interfaces for libGL

Table 2-1 defines the library name and shared object name for the libGL library

Table 2-1. libGL Definition


The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:

OpenGLŪ Application Binary Interface for Linux

GL X interface

Interfaces for GL X interface

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for GL X interface specified in Table 2-2, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 2-2. libGL - GL X interface Function Interfaces

glXChooseVisual [1]glXDestroyGLXPixmap [1]glXGetCurrentDisplay [1]glXMakeContextCurrent [1]glXSelectEvent [1]
glXCopyContext [1]glXDestroyPbuffer [1]glXGetCurrentDrawable [1]glXMakeCurrent [1]glXSwapBuffers [1]
glXCreateContext [1]glXDestroyPixmap [1]glXGetCurrentReadDrawable [1]glXQueryContext [1]glXUseXFont [1]
glXCreateGLXPixmap [1]glXDestroyWindow [1]glXGetFBConfigAttrib [1]glXQueryContextInfoEXT [1]glXWaitGL [1]
glXCreateNewContext [1]glXFreeContextEXT [1]glXGetProcAddressARB [1]glXQueryDrawable [1]glXWaitX [1]
glXCreatePbuffer [1]glXGetClientString [1]glXGetSelectedEvent [1]glXQueryExtension [1] 
glXCreatePixmap [1]glXGetConfig [1]glXGetVisualFromFBConfig [1]glXQueryExtensionsString [1] 
glXCreateWindow [1]glXGetContextIDEXT [1]glXImportContextEXT [1]glXQueryServerString [1] 
glXDestroyContext [1]glXGetCurrentContext [1]glXIsDirect [1]glXQueryVersion [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)


Interfaces for OpenGL

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for OpenGL specified in Table 2-3, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 2-3. libGL - OpenGL Function Interfaces

glAccum [1]glDisable [1]glIndexPointer [1]glNormal3bv [1]glTexCoord1dv [1]
glActiveTextureARB [1]glDisableClientState [1]glIndexd [1]glNormal3d [1]glTexCoord1f [1]
glAlphaFunc [1]glDrawArrays [1]glIndexdv [1]glNormal3dv [1]glTexCoord1fv [1]
glAreTexturesResident [1]glDrawBuffer [1]glIndexf [1]glNormal3f [1]glTexCoord1i [1]
glArrayElement [1]glDrawElements [1]glIndexfv [1]glNormal3fv [1]glTexCoord1iv [1]
glBegin [1]glDrawPixels [1]glIndexi [1]glNormal3i [1]glTexCoord1s [1]
glBindTexture [1]glDrawRangeElements [1]glIndexiv [1]glNormal3iv [1]glTexCoord1sv [1]
glBitmap [1]glEdgeFlag [1]glIndexs [1]glNormal3s [1]glTexCoord2d [1]
glBlendColor [1]glEdgeFlagPointer [1]glIndexsv [1]glNormal3sv [1]glTexCoord2dv [1]
glBlendEquation [1]glEdgeFlagv [1]glIndexub [1]glNormalPointer [1]glTexCoord2f [1]
glBlendFunc [1]glEnable [1]glIndexubv [1]glOrtho [1]glTexCoord2fv [1]
glCallList [1]glEnableClientState [1]glInitNames [1]glPassThrough [1]glTexCoord2i [1]
glCallLists [1]glEnd [1]glInterleavedArrays [1]glPixelMapfv [1]glTexCoord2iv [1]
glClear [1]glEndList [1]glIsEnabled [1]glPixelMapuiv [1]glTexCoord2s [1]
glClearAccum [1]glEvalCoord1d [1]glIsList [1]glPixelMapusv [1]glTexCoord2sv [1]
glClearColor [1]glEvalCoord1dv [1]glIsTexture [1]glPixelStoref [1]glTexCoord3d [1]
glClearDepth [1]glEvalCoord1f [1]glLightModelf [1]glPixelStorei [1]glTexCoord3dv [1]
glClearIndex [1]glEvalCoord1fv [1]glLightModelfv [1]glPixelTransferf [1]glTexCoord3f [1]
glClearStencil [1]glEvalCoord2d [1]glLightModeli [1]glPixelTransferi [1]glTexCoord3fv [1]
glClientActiveTextureARB [1]glEvalCoord2dv [1]glLightModeliv [1]glPixelZoom [1]glTexCoord3i [1]
glClipPlane [1]glEvalCoord2f [1]glLightf [1]glPointSize [1]glTexCoord3iv [1]
glColor3b [1]glEvalCoord2fv [1]glLightfv [1]glPolygonMode [1]glTexCoord3s [1]
glColor3bv [1]glEvalMesh1 [1]glLighti [1]glPolygonOffset [1]glTexCoord3sv [1]
glColor3d [1]glEvalMesh2 [1]glLightiv [1]glPolygonStipple [1]glTexCoord4d [1]
glColor3dv [1]glEvalPoint1 [1]glLineStipple [1]glPopAttrib [1]glTexCoord4dv [1]
glColor3f [1]glEvalPoint2 [1]glLineWidth [1]glPopClientAttrib [1]glTexCoord4f [1]
glColor3fv [1]glFeedbackBuffer [1]glListBase [1]glPopMatrix [1]glTexCoord4fv [1]
glColor3i [1]glFinish [1]glLoadIdentity [1]glPopName [1]glTexCoord4i [1]
glColor3iv [1]glFlush [1]glLoadMatrixd [1]glPrioritizeTextures [1]glTexCoord4iv [1]
glColor3s [1]glFogf [1]glLoadMatrixf [1]glPushAttrib [1]glTexCoord4s [1]
glColor3sv [1]glFogfv [1]glLoadName [1]glPushClientAttrib [1]glTexCoord4sv [1]
glColor3ub [1]glFogi [1]glLogicOp [1]glPushMatrix [1]glTexCoordPointer [1]
glColor3ubv [1]glFogiv [1]glMap1d [1]glPushName [1]glTexEnvf [1]
glColor3ui [1]glFrontFace [1]glMap1f [1]glRasterPos2d [1]glTexEnvfv [1]
glColor3uiv [1]glFrustum [1]glMap2d [1]glRasterPos2dv [1]glTexEnvi [1]
glColor3us [1]glGenLists [1]glMap2f [1]glRasterPos2f [1]glTexEnviv [1]
glColor3usv [1]glGenTextures [1]glMapGrid1d [1]glRasterPos2fv [1]glTexGend [1]
glColor4b [1]glGetBooleanv [1]glMapGrid1f [1]glRasterPos2i [1]glTexGendv [1]
glColor4bv [1]glGetClipPlane [1]glMapGrid2d [1]glRasterPos2iv [1]glTexGenf [1]
glColor4d [1]glGetColorTable [1]glMapGrid2f [1]glRasterPos2s [1]glTexGenfv [1]
glColor4dv [1]glGetColorTableParameterfv [1]glMaterialf [1]glRasterPos2sv [1]glTexGeni [1]
glColor4f [1]glGetColorTableParameteriv [1]glMaterialfv [1]glRasterPos3d [1]glTexGeniv [1]
glColor4fv [1]glGetConvolutionFilter [1]glMateriali [1]glRasterPos3dv [1]glTexImage1D [1]
glColor4i [1]glGetConvolutionParameterfv [1]glMaterialiv [1]glRasterPos3f [1]glTexImage2D [1]
glColor4iv [1]glGetConvolutionParameteriv [1]glMatrixMode [1]glRasterPos3fv [1]glTexImage3D [1]
glColor4s [1]glGetDoublev [1]glMinmax [1]glRasterPos3i [1]glTexParameterf [1]
glColor4sv [1]glGetError [1]glMultMatrixd [1]glRasterPos3iv [1]glTexParameterfv [1]
glColor4ub [1]glGetFloatv [1]glMultMatrixf [1]glRasterPos3s [1]glTexParameteri [1]
glColor4ubv [1]glGetHistogram [1]glMultiTexCoord1dARB [1]glRasterPos3sv [1]glTexParameteriv [1]
glColor4ui [1]glGetHistogramParameterfv [1]glMultiTexCoord1dvARB [1]glRasterPos4d [1]glTexSubImage1D [1]
glColor4uiv [1]glGetHistogramParameteriv [1]glMultiTexCoord1fARB [1]glRasterPos4dv [1]glTexSubImage2D [1]
glColor4us [1]glGetIntegerv [1]glMultiTexCoord1fvARB [1]glRasterPos4f [1]glTexSubImage3D [1]
glColor4usv [1]glGetLightfv [1]glMultiTexCoord1iARB [1]glRasterPos4fv [1]glTranslated [1]
glColorMask [1]glGetLightiv [1]glMultiTexCoord1ivARB [1]glRasterPos4i [1]glTranslatef [1]
glColorMaterial [1]glGetMapdv [1]glMultiTexCoord1sARB [1]glRasterPos4iv [1]glVertex2d [1]
glColorPointer [1]glGetMapfv [1]glMultiTexCoord1svARB [1]glRasterPos4s [1]glVertex2dv [1]
glColorSubTable [1]glGetMapiv [1]glMultiTexCoord2dARB [1]glRasterPos4sv [1]glVertex2f [1]
glColorTable [1]glGetMaterialfv [1]glMultiTexCoord2dvARB [1]glReadBuffer [1]glVertex2fv [1]
glColorTableParameterfv [1]glGetMaterialiv [1]glMultiTexCoord2fARB [1]glReadPixels [1]glVertex2i [1]
glColorTableParameteriv [1]glGetMinmax [1]glMultiTexCoord2fvARB [1]glRectd [1]glVertex2iv [1]
glConvolutionFilter1D [1]glGetMinmaxParameterfv [1]glMultiTexCoord2iARB [1]glRectdv [1]glVertex2s [1]
glConvolutionFilter2D [1]glGetMinmaxParameteriv [1]glMultiTexCoord2ivARB [1]glRectf [1]glVertex2sv [1]
glConvolutionParameterf [1]glGetPixelMapfv [1]glMultiTexCoord2sARB [1]glRectfv [1]glVertex3d [1]
glConvolutionParameterfv [1]glGetPixelMapuiv [1]glMultiTexCoord2svARB [1]glRecti [1]glVertex3dv [1]
glConvolutionParameteri [1]glGetPixelMapusv [1]glMultiTexCoord3dARB [1]glRectiv [1]glVertex3f [1]
glConvolutionParameteriv [1]glGetPointerv [1]glMultiTexCoord3dvARB [1]glRects [1]glVertex3fv [1]
glCopyColorSubTable [1]glGetPolygonStipple [1]glMultiTexCoord3fARB [1]glRectsv [1]glVertex3i [1]
glCopyColorTable [1]glGetSeparableFilter [1]glMultiTexCoord3fvARB [1]glRenderMode [1]glVertex3iv [1]
glCopyConvolutionFilter1D [1]glGetString [1]glMultiTexCoord3iARB [1]glResetHistogram [1]glVertex3s [1]
glCopyConvolutionFilter2D [1]glGetTexEnvfv [1]glMultiTexCoord3ivARB [1]glResetMinmax [1]glVertex3sv [1]
glCopyPixels [1]glGetTexEnviv [1]glMultiTexCoord3sARB [1]glRotated [1]glVertex4d [1]
glCopyTexImage1D [1]glGetTexGendv [1]glMultiTexCoord3svARB [1]glRotatef [1]glVertex4dv [1]
glCopyTexImage2D [1]glGetTexGenfv [1]glMultiTexCoord4dARB [1]glScaled [1]glVertex4f [1]
glCopyTexSubImage1D [1]glGetTexGeniv [1]glMultiTexCoord4dvARB [1]glScalef [1]glVertex4fv [1]
glCopyTexSubImage2D [1]glGetTexImage [1]glMultiTexCoord4fARB [1]glScissor [1]glVertex4i [1]
glCopyTexSubImage3D [1]glGetTexLevelParameterfv [1]glMultiTexCoord4fvARB [1]glSelectBuffer [1]glVertex4iv [1]
glCullFace [1]glGetTexLevelParameteriv [1]glMultiTexCoord4iARB [1]glSeparableFilter2D [1]glVertex4s [1]
glDeleteLists [1]glGetTexParameterfv [1]glMultiTexCoord4ivARB [1]glShadeModel [1]glVertex4sv [1]
glDeleteTextures [1]glGetTexParameteriv [1]glMultiTexCoord4sARB [1]glStencilFunc [1]glVertexPointer [1]
glDepthFunc [1]glHint [1]glMultiTexCoord4svARB [1]glStencilMask [1]glViewport [1]
glDepthMask [1]glHistogram [1]glNewList [1]glStencilOp [1]glXChooseFBConfig [1]
glDepthRange [1]glIndexMask [1]glNormal3b [1]glTexCoord1d [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)

Data Definitions for libGL

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libGL. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content.

These definitions are intended to supplement those provided in the referenced underlying specifications.

This specification uses ISO/IEC 9899 C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.


typedef unsigned int GLenum;
typedef unsigned char GLboolean;
typedef unsigned int GLbitfield;
typedef void GLvoid;
typedef char GLbyte;
typedef short GLshort;
typedef int GLint;
typedef unsigned char GLubyte;
typedef unsigned short GLushort;
typedef unsigned int GLuint;
typedef int GLsizei;
typedef float GLfloat;
typedef float GLclampf;
typedef double GLdouble;
typedef double GLclampd;

#define GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE	0x1401
#define GL_SHORT	0x1402
#define GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT	0x1403
#define GL_INT	0x1404
#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT	0x1405
#define GL_FLOAT	0x1406
#define GL_2_BYTES	0x1407
#define GL_3_BYTES	0x1408
#define GL_4_BYTES	0x1409
#define GL_DOUBLE	0x140A

#define GL_POINTS	0x0000
#define GL_LINES	0x0001
#define GL_LINE_LOOP	0x0002
#define GL_LINE_STRIP	0x0003
#define GL_TRIANGLES	0x0004
#define GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP	0x0005
#define GL_TRIANGLE_FAN	0x0006
#define GL_QUADS	0x0007
#define GL_QUAD_STRIP	0x0008
#define GL_POLYGON	0x0009

#define GL_V2F	0x2A20
#define GL_V3F	0x2A21
#define GL_C4UB_V2F	0x2A22
#define GL_C4UB_V3F	0x2A23
#define GL_C3F_V3F	0x2A24
#define GL_N3F_V3F	0x2A25
#define GL_C4F_N3F_V3F	0x2A26
#define GL_T2F_V3F	0x2A27
#define GL_T4F_V4F	0x2A28
#define GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F	0x2A29
#define GL_T2F_C3F_V3F	0x2A2A
#define GL_T2F_N3F_V3F	0x2A2B
#define GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F	0x2A2C
#define GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F	0x2A2D
#define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY	0x8074
#define GL_NORMAL_ARRAY	0x8075
#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY	0x8076
#define GL_INDEX_ARRAY	0x8077
#define GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY	0x8079
#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE	0x8081
#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE	0x8082
#define GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE	0x8083
#define GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE	0x8085
#define GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE	0x8086

#define GL_MATRIX_MODE	0x0BA0
#define GL_MODELVIEW	0x1700
#define GL_PROJECTION	0x1701
#define GL_TEXTURE	0x1702


typedef struct __GLXcontextRec *GLXContext;
typedef struct __GLXFBConfigRec *GLXFBConfig;
typedef XID GLXContextID;
typedef XID GLXPixmap;
typedef XID GLXDrawable;
typedef XID GLXPbuffer;
typedef XID GLXWindow;

III. Package Information

Table of Contents
3. Package Dependencies

Chapter 3. Package Dependencies

Package Dependencies

The LSB runtime environment shall provide the following dependencies.


This dependency is used to indicate that the application is dependent on features contained in the LSB-Graphics module.


This dependency is used to indicate that the application is dependent on features contained in the LSB-Graphics module and that the package does not contain any architecture specific files.

The arch component of any package name is described in the relevant architecture specific LSB.