10.3. Data Definitions for libc

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libc. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content. Where an interface is defined as requiring a particular system header file all of the data definitions for that system header file presented here shall be in effect.

This section gives data definitions to promote binary application portability, not to repeat source interface definitions available elsewhere. System providers and application developers should use this ABI to supplement - not to replace - source interface definition specifications.

This specification uses the ISO C (1999) C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.

10.3.1. assert.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.2. cpio.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.3. ctype.h

enum {
    _ISupper = 1,
    _ISlower = 2,
    _ISalpha = 4,
    _ISdigit = 8,
    _ISxdigit = 16,
    _ISspace = 32,
    _ISprint = 64,
    _ISgraph = 128,
    _ISblank = 256,
    _IScntrl = 512,
    _ISpunct = 1024,
    _ISalnum = 2048

10.3.4. dirent.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.5. elf.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.6. endian.h


10.3.7. errno.h

#define EDEADLOCK	58

10.3.8. fcntl.h

#define O_NOFOLLOW	0100000
#define O_LARGEFILE	0200000
#define O_DIRECTORY	040000

#define F_GETLK64	12
#define F_SETLK64	13
#define F_SETLKW64	14

10.3.9. fmtmsg.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.10. fnmatch.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.11. ftw.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.12. getopt.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.13. glob.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.14. iconv.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.15. langinfo.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.16. limits.h

#define LONG_MAX	2147483647L

#define CHAR_MIN	0
#define CHAR_MAX	255

#define PTHREAD_STACK_MIN	16384

10.3.17. link.h

struct dl_phdr_info {
    Elf32_Addr dlpi_addr;
    const char *dlpi_name;
    const Elf32_Phdr *dlpi_phdr;
    Elf32_Half dlpi_phnum;
    unsigned long long int dlpi_adds;
    unsigned long long int dlpi_subs;
    size_t dlpi_tls_modid;
    void *dlpi_tls_data;

10.3.18. locale.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.19. net/if.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.20. netdb.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.21. netinet/icmp6.h

#define ICMP6_RR_RESULT_FLAGS_OOB	0x2000
#define ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE	0x20000000
#define ND_NA_FLAG_SOLICITED	0x40000000
#define ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER	0x80000000

10.3.22. netinet/igmp.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.23. netinet/in.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.24. netinet/in_systm.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.25. netinet/ip.h

struct timestamp {
    u_int8_t len;
    u_int8_t ptr;
    unsigned int overflow:4;
    unsigned int flags:4;
    u_int32_t data[9];
struct iphdr {
    unsigned int version:4;
    unsigned int ihl:4;
    u_int8_t tos;
    u_int16_t tot_len;
    u_int16_t id;
    u_int16_t frag_off;
    u_int8_t ttl;
    u_int8_t protocol;
    u_int16_t check;
    u_int32_t saddr;
    u_int32_t daddr;
struct ip {
    unsigned int ip_v:4;
    unsigned int ip_hl:4;
    u_int8_t ip_tos;
    u_short ip_len;
    u_short ip_id;
    u_short ip_off;
    u_int8_t ip_ttl;
    u_int8_t ip_p;
    u_short ip_sum;
    struct in_addr ip_src;
    struct in_addr ip_dst;
struct ip_timestamp {
    u_int8_t ipt_len;
    u_int8_t ipt_code;
    u_int8_t ipt_ptr;
    unsigned int ipt_flg:4;
    unsigned int ipt_oflw:4;
    u_int32_t data[9];

10.3.26. netinet/ip6.h

#define IP6_ALERT_MLD	0x0000
#define IP6F_MORE_FRAG	0x0001
#define IP6_ALERT_RSVP	0x0001
#define IP6_ALERT_AN	0x0002
#define IP6F_RESERVED_MASK	0x0006
#define IP6F_OFF_MASK	0xfff8

10.3.27. netinet/ip_icmp.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.28. netinet/tcp.h

struct tcphdr {
    uint16_t source;
    uint16_t dest;
    uint32_t seq;
    uint32_t ack_seq;
    uint16_t doff:4;
    uint16_t res1:4;
    uint16_t res2:2;
    uint16_t urg:1;
    uint16_t ack:1;
    uint16_t psh:1;
    uint16_t rst:1;
    uint16_t syn:1;
    uint16_t fin:1;
    uint16_t window;
    uint16_t check;
    uint16_t urg_ptr;

10.3.29. netinet/udp.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.30. nl_types.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.31. pwd.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.32. regex.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.33. rpc/auth.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.34. rpc/clnt.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.35. rpc/rpc_msg.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.36. rpc/svc.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.37. rpc/types.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.38. rpc/xdr.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.39. sched.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.40. search.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.41. setjmp.h

typedef long int __jmp_buf[112] __attribute__ ((aligned(16)));

10.3.42. signal.h

struct pt_regs {
    unsigned long int gpr[32];
    unsigned long int nip;
    unsigned long int msr;
    unsigned long int orig_gpr3;	/* Used for restarting system calls */
    unsigned long int ctr;
    unsigned long int link;
    unsigned long int xer;
    unsigned long int ccr;
    unsigned long int mq;	/* 601 only (not used at present). Used on APUS to hold IPL val */
    unsigned long int trap;	/* Reason for being here */
    unsigned long int dar;	/* Fault registers */
    unsigned long int dsisr;
    unsigned long int result;	/* Result of a system call */

#define SIGEV_PAD_SIZE	((SIGEV_MAX_SIZE/sizeof(int))-3)

#define SI_PAD_SIZE	((SI_MAX_SIZE/sizeof(int))-3)

struct sigaction {
    union {
	sighandler_t _sa_handler;
	void (*_sa_sigaction) (int, siginfo_t *, void *);
    } __sigaction_handler;
    sigset_t sa_mask;
    unsigned long int sa_flags;
    void (*sa_restorer) (void);

#define MINSIGSTKSZ	2048	/* Minimum stack size for a signal handler. */
#define SIGSTKSZ	8192	/* System default stack size. */

struct sigcontext {
    long int _unused[4];
    int signal;
    unsigned long int handler;
    unsigned long int oldmask;
    struct pt_regs *regs;

10.3.43. spawn.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.44. stddef.h

typedef long int wchar_t;
typedef unsigned int size_t;
typedef int ptrdiff_t;

10.3.45. stdint.h

#define INT64_C(c)	c ## LL
#define INTMAX_C(c)	c ## LL
#define __INT64_C(c)	c ## LL
#define UINT64_C(c)	c ## ULL
#define UINTMAX_C(c)	c ## ULL
#define __UINT64_C(c)	c ## ULL

#define INTPTR_MIN	(-2147483647-1)
#define INT_FAST16_MIN	(-2147483647-1)
#define INT_FAST32_MIN	(-2147483647-1)
#define PTRDIFF_MIN	(-2147483647-1)
#define INTPTR_MAX	(2147483647)
#define INT_FAST16_MAX	(2147483647)
#define INT_FAST32_MAX	(2147483647)
#define PTRDIFF_MAX	(2147483647)
#define SIZE_MAX	(4294967295U)
#define UINTPTR_MAX	(4294967295U)
#define UINT_FAST16_MAX	(4294967295U)
#define UINT_FAST32_MAX	(4294967295U)

typedef long long int int64_t;
typedef long long int intmax_t;
typedef unsigned long long int uintmax_t;
typedef int intptr_t;
typedef unsigned int uintptr_t;
typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;
typedef long long int int_least64_t;
typedef unsigned long long int uint_least64_t;
typedef int int_fast16_t;
typedef int int_fast32_t;
typedef long long int int_fast64_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned long long int uint_fast64_t;

10.3.46. stdio.h

#define __IO_FILE_SIZE	152

10.3.47. stdlib.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.48. sys/epoll.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.49. sys/file.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.50. sys/inotify.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.51. sys/ioctl.h

#define TIOCGWINSZ	0x40087468
#define TIOCNOTTY	0x5422
#define FIONREAD	1074030207

10.3.52. sys/ipc.h

struct ipc_perm {
    key_t __key;
    uid_t uid;
    gid_t gid;
    uid_t cuid;
    uid_t cgid;
    mode_t mode;
    long int __seq;
    int __pad1;
    unsigned long long int __unused1;
    unsigned long long int __unused2;

10.3.53. sys/mman.h

#define MCL_FUTURE	16384
#define MCL_CURRENT	8192

10.3.54. sys/msg.h

typedef unsigned long int msgqnum_t;
typedef unsigned long int msglen_t;

struct msqid_ds {
    struct ipc_perm msg_perm;	/* structure describing operation permission */
    unsigned int __unused1;
    time_t msg_stime;		/* time of last msgsnd command */
    unsigned int __unused2;
    time_t msg_rtime;		/* time of last msgrcv command */
    unsigned int __unused3;
    time_t msg_ctime;		/* time of last change */
    unsigned long int __msg_cbytes;	/* current number of bytes on queue */
    msgqnum_t msg_qnum;		/* number of messages currently on queue */
    msglen_t msg_qbytes;	/* max number of bytes allowed on queue */
    pid_t msg_lspid;		/* pid of last msgsnd() */
    pid_t msg_lrpid;		/* pid of last msgrcv() */
    unsigned long int __unused4;
    unsigned long int __unused5;

10.3.55. sys/param.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.56. sys/poll.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.57. sys/ptrace.h

enum __ptrace_request {
    PTRACE_CONT = 7,
    PTRACE_KILL = 8,

10.3.58. sys/resource.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.59. sys/select.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.60. sys/sem.h

struct semid_ds {
    struct ipc_perm sem_perm;	/* operation permission struct */
    unsigned int __unused1;
    time_t sem_otime;		/* last semop() time */
    unsigned int __unused2;
    time_t sem_ctime;		/* last time changed by semctl() */
    unsigned long int sem_nsems;	/* number of semaphores in set */
    unsigned long int __unused3;
    unsigned long int __unused4;

10.3.61. sys/shm.h

#define SHMLBA	(__getpagesize())

typedef unsigned long int shmatt_t;

struct shmid_ds {
    struct ipc_perm shm_perm;
    unsigned int __unused1;
    time_t shm_atime;
    unsigned int __unused2;
    time_t shm_dtime;
    unsigned int __unused3;
    time_t shm_ctime;
    unsigned int __unused4;
    size_t shm_segsz;
    pid_t shm_cpid;
    pid_t shm_lpid;
    shmatt_t shm_nattch;
    unsigned long int __unused5;
    unsigned long int __unused6;

10.3.62. sys/socket.h

typedef uint32_t __ss_aligntype;

#define SO_RCVLOWAT	16
#define SO_SNDLOWAT	17
#define SO_RCVTIMEO	18
#define SO_SNDTIMEO	19

10.3.63. sys/stat.h

#define _MKNOD_VER	1
#define _STAT_VER	3

struct stat {
    dev_t st_dev;		/* Device. */
    unsigned short __pad1;
    ino_t st_ino;		/* File serial number. */
    mode_t st_mode;		/* File mode. */
    nlink_t st_nlink;		/* Link count. */
    uid_t st_uid;		/* User ID of the file's owner. */
    gid_t st_gid;		/* Group ID of the file's group. */
    dev_t st_rdev;		/* Device number, if device. */
    unsigned short __pad2;
    off_t st_size;		/* Size of file, in bytes. */
    blksize_t st_blksize;	/* Optimal block size for I/O. */
    blkcnt_t st_blocks;		/* Number 512-byte blocks allocated. */
    struct timespec st_atim;	/* Time of last access. */
    struct timespec st_mtim;	/* Time of last modification. */
    struct timespec st_ctim;	/* Time of last status change. */
    unsigned long int __unused4;
    unsigned long int __unused5;
struct stat64 {
    dev_t st_dev;		/* Device. */
    ino64_t st_ino;		/* File serial number. */
    mode_t st_mode;		/* File mode. */
    nlink_t st_nlink;		/* Link count. */
    uid_t st_uid;		/* User ID of the file's owner. */
    gid_t st_gid;		/* Group ID of the file's group. */
    dev_t st_rdev;		/* Device number, if device. */
    unsigned short __pad2;
    off64_t st_size;		/* Size of file, in bytes. */
    blksize_t st_blksize;	/* Optimal block size for I/O. */
    blkcnt64_t st_blocks;	/* Number 512-byte blocks allocated. */
    struct timespec st_atim;	/* Time of last access. */
    struct timespec st_mtim;	/* Time of last modification. */
    struct timespec st_ctim;	/* Time of last status change. */
    unsigned long int __unused4;
    unsigned long int __unused5;

10.3.64. sys/statfs.h

struct statfs {
    int f_type;			/* type of filesystem */
    int f_bsize;		/* optimal transfer block size */
    fsblkcnt_t f_blocks;	/* total data blocks in file system */
    fsblkcnt_t f_bfree;		/* free blocks in fs */
    fsblkcnt_t f_bavail;	/* free blocks avail to non-superuser */
    fsfilcnt_t f_files;		/* total file nodes in file system */
    fsfilcnt_t f_ffree;		/* free file nodes in file system */
    fsid_t f_fsid;		/* file system id */
    int f_namelen;		/* maximum length of filenames */
    int f_frsize;		/* fragment size */
    int f_spare[5];		/* spare for later */
struct statfs64 {
    int f_type;			/* type of filesystem */
    int f_bsize;		/* optimal transfer block size */
    fsblkcnt64_t f_blocks;	/* total data blocks in file system */
    fsblkcnt64_t f_bfree;	/* free blocks in fs */
    fsblkcnt64_t f_bavail;	/* free blocks avail to non-superuser */
    fsfilcnt64_t f_files;	/* total file nodes in file system */
    fsfilcnt64_t f_ffree;	/* free file nodes in file system */
    fsid_t f_fsid;		/* file system id */
    int f_namelen;		/* maximum length of filenames */
    int f_frsize;		/* fragment size */
    int f_spare[5];		/* spare for later */

10.3.65. sys/statvfs.h

struct statvfs {
    unsigned long int f_bsize;
    unsigned long int f_frsize;
    fsblkcnt_t f_blocks;
    fsblkcnt_t f_bfree;
    fsblkcnt_t f_bavail;
    fsfilcnt_t f_files;
    fsfilcnt_t f_ffree;
    fsfilcnt_t f_favail;
    unsigned long int f_fsid;
    int __f_unused;
    unsigned long int f_flag;
    unsigned long int f_namemax;
    int __f_spare[6];
struct statvfs64 {
    unsigned long int f_bsize;
    unsigned long int f_frsize;
    fsblkcnt64_t f_blocks;
    fsblkcnt64_t f_bfree;
    fsblkcnt64_t f_bavail;
    fsfilcnt64_t f_files;
    fsfilcnt64_t f_ffree;
    fsfilcnt64_t f_favail;
    unsigned long int f_fsid;
    int __f_unused;
    unsigned long int f_flag;
    unsigned long int f_namemax;
    int __f_spare[6];

10.3.66. sys/sysinfo.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.67. sys/time.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.68. sys/timeb.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.69. sys/times.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.70. sys/types.h

typedef int32_t ssize_t;

#define __FDSET_LONGS	32

10.3.71. sys/un.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.72. sys/utsname.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.73. sys/wait.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.74. syslog.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.75. tar.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.76. termios.h

#define TAB1	1024
#define CR3	12288
#define CRDLY	12288
#define FF1	16384
#define FFDLY	16384
#define XCASE	16384
#define ONLCR	2
#define TAB2	2048
#define TAB3	3072
#define TABDLY	3072
#define BS1	32768
#define BSDLY	32768
#define OLCUC	4
#define CR1	4096
#define IUCLC	4096
#define VT1	65536
#define VTDLY	65536
#define NLDLY	768
#define CR2	8192

#define VWERASE	10
#define VREPRINT	11
#define VSUSP	12
#define VSTART	13
#define VSTOP	14
#define VDISCARD	16
#define VMIN	5
#define VEOL	6
#define VEOL2	8
#define VSWTC	9

#define IXOFF	1024
#define IXON	512

#define CSTOPB	1024
#define HUPCL	16384
#define CREAD	2048
#define CS6	256
#define CLOCAL	32768
#define PARENB	4096
#define CS7	512
#define VTIME	7
#define CS8	768
#define CSIZE	768
#define PARODD	8192

#define NOFLSH	0x80000000
#define ECHOKE	1
#define IEXTEN	1024
#define ISIG	128
#define ECHONL	16
#define ECHOE	2
#define ICANON	256
#define ECHOPRT	32
#define ECHOK	4
#define TOSTOP	4194304
#define PENDIN	536870912
#define ECHOCTL	64
#define FLUSHO	8388608

10.3.77. ucontext.h

#define ELF_NGREG	48

typedef struct _libc_vrstate {
    unsigned int vrregs[128];
    unsigned int vrsave;
    unsigned int _pad[2];
    unsigned int vscr;
} vrregset_t __attribute__ ((__aligned__(16)));

#define NGREG	48

typedef unsigned long int gregset_t[48];

typedef struct _libc_fpstate {
    double fpregs[32];
    double fpscr;
    int _pad[2];
} fpregset_t;

typedef struct {
    gregset_t gregs;
    fpregset_t fpregs;
    vrregset_t vrregs;
} mcontext_t;

union uc_regs_ptr {
    struct pt_regs *regs;
    mcontext_t *uc_regs;

typedef struct ucontext {
    unsigned long int uc_flags;
    struct ucontext *uc_link;
    stack_t uc_stack;
    int uc_pad[7];
    union uc_regs_ptr uc_mcontext;
    sigset_t uc_sigmask;
    char uc_reg_space[sizeof(mcontext_t) + 12];
} ucontext_t;

10.3.78. ulimit.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.79. unistd.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.80. utime.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.81. utmp.h

struct lastlog {
    time_t ll_time;
    char ll_line[UT_LINESIZE];
    char ll_host[UT_HOSTSIZE];

struct utmp {
    short ut_type;		/* Type of login. */
    pid_t ut_pid;		/* Process ID of login process. */
    char ut_line[UT_LINESIZE];	/* Devicename. */
    char ut_id[4];		/* Inittab ID. */
    char ut_user[UT_NAMESIZE];	/* Username. */
    char ut_host[UT_HOSTSIZE];	/* Hostname for remote login. */
    struct exit_status ut_exit;	/* Exit status of a process marked as DEAD_PROCESS. */
    long int ut_session;	/* Session ID, used for windowing. */
    struct timeval ut_tv;	/* Time entry was made. */
    int32_t ut_addr_v6[4];	/* Internet address of remote host. */
    char __unused[20];		/* Reserved for future use. */

10.3.82. utmpx.h

struct utmpx {
    short ut_type;		/* Type of login. */
    pid_t ut_pid;		/* Process ID of login process. */
    char ut_line[UT_LINESIZE];	/* Devicename. */
    char ut_id[4];		/* Inittab ID. */
    char ut_user[UT_NAMESIZE];	/* Username. */
    char ut_host[UT_HOSTSIZE];	/* Hostname for remote login. */
    struct exit_status ut_exit;	/* Exit status of a process marked as DEAD_PROCESS. */
    long int ut_session;	/* Session ID, used for windowing. */
    struct timeval ut_tv;	/* Time entry was made. */
    int32_t ut_addr_v6[4];	/* Internet address of remote host. */
    char __unused[20];		/* Reserved for future use. */

10.3.83. wctype.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details

10.3.84. wordexp.h

 * This header is architecture neutral
 * Please refer to the generic specification for details